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OTS: Association of Ei e. V. / a Strong community: Association of Ei e. V. … | message


Strong community: Association of Ei e. V. (BVEi) bndelt interests

in the Egg industry

Berlin (ots) – Together we are stronger. This is the Credo fr is the

Association of Egg e. V. (BVEi), in which all Forces for a strong

professional stndische representation of the Egg industry in Germany Involved

bundles. This shock spring community through the

Merger of the “Central Association of eggs (DAS), the European Egg Commerce (EEC) e. V.”

the Bundesverband Deutsches Ei e. V. (BDE), of his since 2001, active

Association’s work under the new name of the Federal Association of Egg e. V. (BVEi) continues.

With the entry in the Association register of the local court of Charlottenburg (Berlin)

has been completed the merger this week of legal effect.

The new Logo forms of self-understanding from fossils: Modern, strong, sympathetic

“With the BVEi as a strong unit to represent a modern industry, we are

ideally positioned,” says Chairman Henner screw. The BVEi under forms

the roof of the Central Association of the German Geflgel Wirtschaft e. V. (ZDG), the

entire production chain of eggs from: Ordinary members are

Pullet rearing farms laying hen holder, Packing centres/egg trade, as well as

a further group, cooking, sleeping and Frbebetriebe in Fachbeirten with

Advisory function are organized. With the entry in the register of associations has

the BVEi also given a new Logo. “Our Logo is very beautiful

Way our self understanding as an industry,” says BVEi-Chairman Henner

Snail: “It is modern, strong, sympathetic, a Symbol of unity and in the

The center of the Egg is of course always.”

Departure in terms of Image: industry communication to laying hen air

Parallel air this summer, the communications Industry laying hen in the

BVEi organized Egg industry in Germany, with the Support of the PSL

represented the country verbnde to. “We are standing in front of a riser, what is our Image

is concerned,” says BVEi screw-Chairman Henner. “With our professional

Industry communication, we want to work with the public actively about our as

Laying hen holder information so that we can in the future than just the

powerful, advanced, the animal committed to the welfare of the industry

be perceived that we are.” As the first projects in the industry of communication

among other things, an informative Website, friendly-authentic Portraits

of hen holders, and an active press work Put planned.

General meeting with Board election on may 5. November 2020

A new Board of Directors of BVEi at its first General meeting is on

Thursday, 5. November 2020, to choose. Because of the Corona-pandemic the was

original frs Frhjahr deadline resembled the Sptherbst moved


Until the next election in November, the BVEi-the interim Executive Board, with the remains

the members of the chosen Vorstnde of BVEi and the DAS in the office.

about the ZDG

The Central Association of the German Geflgel Wirtschaft e. V. represents the interests of

professional stndische the roof and the top of the organisation, the interests of the German

Geflgel economy at the Federal and EU level in comparison to the political, official

as well as professional stndischen organisations, the public and abroad. The

around 8,000 members in Federal and state, which were very organized.

Press contact:

ZDG Central Association of the German Geflgel Wirtschaft e. V.

Christiane von Alemann | Claire-Waldoff-Str. 7 | 10117 Berlin

Tel. 030 288831-40 | Fax 030 288831-50

E-Mail: [email protected] | Internet: http://www.zdg-online.de

Additional Material: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/141276/4628834

OTS: Association of Ei e. V.

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