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Osman Kavala was arrested by the Sentry Magistrate on duty

Osman Kavala, who was detained within the scope of the investigation regarding the July 15 coup attempt, was sent to the sentence of the Magistrate Magistrate on demand for his arrest. In the referral letter of the prosecution, it was evaluated that Kavala’s contacts with Henry Barkey were involved in the decision process of the July 15 coup attempt.

Anadolu Kültür AŞ Chairman Osman Kavala, who has been detained for 2.5 years in the case regarding Gezi Park events, was released with the acquittal decision of the Istanbul 30th Assize Court, who held the trial the day before.

Following the court’s decision, while waiting for Kavala to be released from prison, the Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office made a statement and stated that a detention order has been issued against Kavala as part of the July 15 coup attempt investigation. Upon this, Kavala, who was detained by the Silivri Criminal and Execution Institution by the teams of the Istanbul Counter-Terrorism Branch Directorate, was taken to the Vatan Avenue Campus of the Istanbul Police Department.


Kavala, who was taken to the Istanbul Palace of Justice in Çağlayan by completing the police procedures, was sent to the magistrate on duty, and was then arrested.


Suspect Osman Kavala in his statement of interrogation, as in the statement of the 30th Assize Court’s acquittal yesterday, and as clearly stated in the ECtHR judgment, yesterday, the prosecution of the prosecutor you saw this evening, the dispatch decision of this prosecution, shows that it is being made. As I mentioned in my previous statement, all the allegations regarding the support of the July 15 coup attempt are unfounded. “

Intense contact before and after

In the letter to the arrest of the prosecutor’s office, the Rumi Forum foundation, headed by the honorary suspect Henry Barkey’s organization leader Fetullah Gülen, served on the organizing committee, lobbying to promote the work of the organization leader, and settled in Büyükada Splendit hotel on the morning of July 15 coup attempt. specified. In the article, it was stated that the two names of HTS records where Osman Kavala met with Henry Barkey in a restaurant in Karaköy before and after the coup attempt were determined to have intensive contacts.

In the referral letter, it was determined from the communication analysis on June 27 that, before the coup attempt, Kavala and Barkey met with people who were in contact with the PKK terrorist organization in Diyarbakır, in the office named Menka Anonim Şirketi.

Participated in the decision process of the coup attempt

In the referral letter, the following assessment was made: “It is understood that the findings of the coup attempt’s involvement in the decision-making process of Kavala’s coup attempt were determined when Barkey’s contacts with Hanry Barkey during the July 15 period, Barkey’s contacts with FETÖ”

Referral letter Osman Kavala Travel escape suspicion after being evacuated in the ruling, on the grounds that inadequate the current state of evidence and judicial control demand “attempt to change Algebra and using violence the constitutional order of the Republic of Turkey State” was asked to be arrested and charged.

A decision of acquittal and eviction was made

Istanbul 30th High Criminal Court, Gezi Park tied oriented events for 16 defendants decided the case on trial, nine defendants, including Osman Kavala also found, “using force and violence the Republic of Turkey to do the lifting or tasks eliminate the government partially or entirely attempt to prevent”, ” He was convicted of crimes of property damage, “spoil of property,” “unauthorized possession or exchange of dangerous goods”, “deliberate injury”, “aggravated injury” and “opposition to the Law on the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage”.

The court ordered the acquittal of the defendant, Osman Kavala, who was acquitted on the grounds that the crimes imposed on the defendants had not been sufficiently concluded as concrete and conclusive evidence in accordance with the conviction.

The Attorney General’s Office made a statement

Istanbul 30th High Criminal Court made a written statement by then Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor’s decision, the public “Travel Events” within the context of known and Republic of Turkey government investigation of the target areas attempted venture, which plans actions, manages and directs a portion of the Attorney General about the suspects February 19, 2019 It was reminded that a public trial was filed against the indictment on.

In the statement, which was reminded by the decision of the Istanbul 30th High Criminal Court dated February 18, the acquittal of the defendants and the release of the detained defendant Osman Kavala, the following were noted:

“Following the writing of the reason for the decision, a petition of attitude was given to the court regarding the request for the dismissal of the decision. As a result of another investigation carried out by our Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office regarding the July 15 coup attempt regarding the defendant Kavala, which was decided to be released as a result of the trial. Pursuant to article., a warrant for detention was made for attempting to corrupt the Constitutional Order. “

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