Home » today » Technology » OsloMet Rector Christen Krogh and his Blue Tesla Model 3: A Practical Approach to Electric Cars

OsloMet Rector Christen Krogh and his Blue Tesla Model 3: A Practical Approach to Electric Cars

ACADEMICS: Like many academics, Principal Christen Krogh at OsloMet is not particularly interested in cars. But every now and then he has to come forward, he too. Photo: Private

The rector at OsloMet, Christen Krogh, likes to wear yellow Adidas. But his Tesla is more of the anonymous variety.

25.08.2023 13:12 | Updated 26/08/2023 11:18

There is life again on the campus in Pilestredet in the capital. Students have returned from all over the country, and new ones have arrived.

The boss himself only has a couple of kilometers to work and leaves the family’s first zero-emission car in the garage, a blue Tesla Model 3.

– When we lived in Asker a few years ago, it gradually became popular to buy an electric car. We didn’t have an electric car, but “a car”, pronounced “énbil”. At the time, most people who bought an electric car had several cars…

But now you have bought the new people’s car, the Tesla Model 3…

– Is the Tesla Model 3 a people’s car? In the process, we test drove both Volvo, Ford and Audi. But as I said, it was a Tesla. I think cars are really boring. Ideally, I would like to see us manage without it.

You don’t need it?

– I live right next to OsloMet University and cycle or walk all year round. If I want to do something in the city, I usually cycle. I am very happy that Oslo has become a more bicycle-friendly city. It is also environmentally friendly.

But do you go on slightly longer trips now and then?

– Yes. With family in Arendal and a cabin, it’s quite practical by car. There are buses and trains to Arendal, but it would be a struggle to walk three quarters of a mile uphill from the nearest bus stop to get to the cabin.

– Did you have any criteria before the purchase?

– The main criterion was as much new car for as little money as possible. Because of the cabin, we wanted four-wheel drive. Because of the family in Arendal, range was important. These were purely functional criteria.

What about the color?

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– We didn’t think the standard color was that nice, and red cost much more than blue. Choosing a color was like choosing a car. Blue was so much nice color we got for as little money as possible. As you can see, I am not an enthusiastic car owner. It is neither a hobby, a piece of jewelery nor a social marker. The Tesla is for transport.

– Have you ever been interested in cars, then?

– For large parts of the summer holiday this year, my wife and I drove a fiat 500 convertible across France. Last year we were in Scotland. Then we had a small BMW convertible. It was a warmer experience driving with the roof down in Provence than in the Hebrides. It also rained less.

LIVING IN THE CITY CENTRE: Christen Krogh does not have to search the streets for available charging points, because the family has a garage space near where they live. There, the blue Tesla Model 3 gets a lot of alone time. – I don’t use the car very much, admits the principal at OsloMet. Photo: private

– Will electric cars be discussed at lunch at OsloMet?

– It is a very large university and there is probably a lot of talk about cars in many places. But not so much where I eat lunch.

– Can you say three nice things about your Model 3?

– Easy to drive. Accelerates quickly. Good voice control, which I mostly use for navigation.

– Do you have your own “driving music”?

– Isn’t all music driving music? When we sold the old cabin, I listened to Lars Winnerbäck, and especially the song “Köpt en bil” when I traveled to and from screenings. It’s a good driving song!


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2023-08-26 09:18:04
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