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Osigus calls for abandonment of the European unanimity principle | Nds. Federal Ministry

European Minister: Only a reformed EU can grow successfully

Lower Saxony’s European Minister Wiebke Osigus has welcomed the European Parliament’s proposals to reform the European Union and called for a “fundamental debate” about the structures, tasks and goals of the association of states. “The EU needs to reform. This applies all the more with a view to a possible enlargement of the Union in the coming years. Only a reformed EU can grow successfully,” said Osigus. “As a state in the heart of Europe, Lower Saxony will actively participate in this debate.”

On Wednesday, the European Parliament submitted proposals for reforming the EU, calling, among other things, for the extensive abolition of national vetoes, stronger protection of basic European values ​​and more effective institutional structures. The minister supports these plans. The number of Commissioners and the size of Parliament should not continue to grow. The Commission must also get serious about reducing reporting obligations. In view of the current world situation, there is a historic “accession window”, which should only be fully opened after necessary reforms, explained Osigus.

“The EU must become leaner and more agile if it wants to remain a central player in a multipolar world. We must further reduce the unanimity principle. This is already difficult with 27 members and doesn’t get any easier with 30 or more partners. If the EU does not want to paralyze itself in the future, we need the principle of qualified majority,” demanded the minister. “And despite all the criticism, the world needs the EU. Contrary to some prophecies of doom, it is still very attractive. The withdrawal of the United Kingdom is opposed by many states that clearly see their future in the European Union,” said Osigus.

Brexit also occupied the European Parliament on Thursday: with a large majority it adopted a report on the EU’s cooperation with the United Kingdom after the exit. “Of course we continue to work closely with our neighbors. And we want to achieve better conditions again, especially when it comes to the exchange of school pupils, trainees and students. The problems in this area alone show that there are no winners in Brexit,” said Osigus.

Nevertheless, it is important to learn from experiences and draw conclusions for the future of the EU. The United Kingdom’s exit was decided by the success of the Brexit campaign in the structurally weak regions of Great Britain. “There are also regions in Lower Saxony where people have the feeling that they are not being heard sufficiently. Politicians have to take this seriously. We must not only see Europe from the perspective of the capitals. The Committee of the Regions makes an important contribution to this. The course for the future is being set, particularly in rural regions. Accordingly, we need adequate funding for regional development from the EU,” Osigus concluded.

2023-11-23 15:23:19
#Osigus #calls #abandonment #European #unanimity #principle #Nds #Federal #Ministry

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