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:: OSEL.CZ :: – Sticking foil to the fuselage saves fuel

The Lufthansa technician glues the foil to the Boeing fuselage. Credit: Lufthansa.

What is riblet technology?

Adhesive foil with a plastic pattern that improves the parameters of the air flow. Laboratory tests and tests performed in real flight conditions (AVIATAR’s Fuel Analytics) have shown that this modification can reduce air resistance by more than one percent.

Shark scales were a model for scientists.  (Credit: Heidarian, Persian Gulf University, Iran).

Shark scales were a model for scientists. (Credit: Heidarian, Persian Gulf University, Iran).

The result is a fuel saving of 0.8%. On ten aircraft of the German fleet per year, sticking the film saves about 3,700 tons of fuel (and 11,700 tons of CO2).

To give you a better idea – it will save so much fuel that the company will be able to undertake another 48 cargo flights from Frankfurt to Shanghai.

AeroSHARK film is manufactured by BASF. It is to withstand both water and oils and UV radiation, which is more above the clouds than is suitable for conventional plastics. Foil se better all over the hull i to coverand engines, which is roughly 950 square meters.

The carrier does not state how many emissions arose during the production of the film.

Ribbed, ribbed and knife-shaped surface of the sash.  (Credit: Heidarian, Persian Gulf University, Iran)

Ribbed, ribbed and knife-shaped surface of the sash. (Credit: Heidarian, Persian Gulf University, Iran)

In message highlighting the merits of the progress of BASF and Lufthansy Cargo AG would not hurt to mention that a team of Iranian, Australian and Chinese scientists has published a paper on the effect of micro-ribbing bearing surfaces wings already four years ago. Or that she developed a similar film many years ago also firma 3M.

Sticking the whole plane saves 0.8% of fuel.  Credit: Lufthansa

Sticking the whole plane saves 0.8% of fuel. Credit: Lufthansa.

Unlike the current more or less commercial communication, ine older work scientists state v what effectek thatarmor lies. Ponthey say it as a height shift vortexat emergingch on the surface of the surface at high-speed flow. This causes that I know s turbulencemi meets only a small part areaand (rib tops). To je ten reason why athe erodynamic resistance of the serrated surface of the wing decreases. While the current announcement AeroSHARK states practically only fuel savings while using their product on one type of aircraftinformation can be obtained from Heidarian’s publication i O what effect on Reynolds number has a network density (fineness of surface wrinkles). And also that better than the roof-like and ridge-like shape of the surface is knife-shaped. Modelers could be helpful i improvement charts wing lift at different speeds,… publications she is available here.

Osborne Reynolds, English Physicist (Credit: Stefan Bernd, de.wikipedia, free work.)

Osborne Reynolds, English Physicist (Credit: Stefan Bernd, de.wikipedia, free work.)

The Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity that relates the inertial forces and the viscosity (ie the resistance of the environment due to internal friction). It can be used to determine whether the fluid flow is laminar or turbulent.

Laminar flow occurs at low Reynolds numbers, where viscous forces dominate, and is characterized by smooth, constant fluid motion.

Turbulent flow occurs at high Reynolds numbers and is dominated by inertial forces that tend to create chaotic vortices and other flow instabilities.

Vtherefore: AeroSHARK – Cutting emissions with sharkskin technology


Bob Yirka.: AeroSHARK thin film reduces drag on airplanes, Ti Xplore 2022.


Alireza Heidarian, et al.: Investigation the Effects of Micro-Riblet Film on a Wing-in-Ground Effect, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, VOL. 9, NO. 5, MAY 2018

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