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:: OSEL.CZ :: – Giant radio pulses of pulsars are even more extreme

pulsar and survival

Josef Nýč,2021-04-13 07:42:08

So the more I have information about the universe, the more skeptical I am about the occurrence of advanced life.
You can’t adapt to that.


Re: pulsar and survival

Vojtech Kocian,2021-04-13 09:37:56

Pulsar is fun against the supernova that created it.
And when it comes to advanced life, if we know one planet with it, why couldn’t there be another? Just meeting such a life in space and time will be unlikely or will require an extreme amount of resources.


Re: Re: pulsar and survival

Jarda Ticháček,2021-04-13 12:26:25

The fact that we know one planet with an advanced life is still not enough to believe that there could be another. Like the fact that we know one even number of natural numbers that is less than 3 does not entitle us to believe that there will be more.
Even with the size of the universe, it may also be true that the emergence of (advanced) life is so unlikely that it will not be repeated even in infinite space. Although, of course, it cannot be ruled out that it has developed in a large number of other places.
Just the thought that when he’s here, he’ll be elsewhere is a bit misleading.
Eventually, when you realize how many completely unlikely events have led us to be here and we can discuss that flies and cats are flying around, it will be clear to you that it is not possible to quantify the probability that the advanced life exists here.


Re: Re: Re: pulsar and survival

Vojtech Kocian,2021-04-13 13:52:17

Many natural numbers are discrete and their members do not repeat (so it is easy to create a condition for identity), while individual conditions for the existence of life are defined on a continuous scale and their local repetition is possible (in tolerance intervals). So the infinity of the universe (which in my opinion is far from certain) would imply the infinity of planets with advanced life, which will finally be far apart. It’s just such games with infinity. Of course, we really can’t figure it out, and we can really be the only ones for the finite universe. However, even those, as you say unlikely events, may not be so unlikely and, above all, may not be necessary conditions. Thus, for example, the extinction of dinosaurs after the impact of an asteroid was a necessary condition for the emergence of man, as we know him. But was it a necessary condition for the emergence of civilization in any form? Hard to say. Thus, it can only be stated that we do not have enough information to confirm or refute the existence of advanced life outside the Earth.


Re: Re: Re: Re: pulsar and survival

Jarda Ticháček,2021-04-13 17:08:03

But even the possible infinity of the universe with infinitely many planets still does not necessarily imply the repetition of an event. The probability does not have to be n: m or n: infinity, but infinity: infinity.


Re: Re: Re: Re: pulsar and survival

Jará Šustr,2021-04-13 17:29:26

Given the size and speed of C, we may not care. But why not dream a little 🙂


Re: Re: Re: pulsar and survival

Ales Vodehnal,2021-04-13 14:39:22

If it goes on like this, it will soon take over, even on that one planet:


Re: pulsar and survival

Rio Malaschitz,2021-04-13 16:28:25

The probability of the emergence of an advanced civilization is probably very low. Although, by some chance, the intelligent creature Homo Sapiens was finally created (which lasted hundreds of millions of years), it took hundreds of thousands of years for some other coincidence (https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobsk%C3%A1_katastrofa) to start the desire to recharge the whole of the world. And even though Homo Sapiens inhabited the whole world, it took tens of thousands of years for Adam to lose his life in paradise and start devoting himself to cattle breeding and agriculture – and a real “advanced” civilization began.

I think we will send automated systems to distant stars in a few decades. They will be so autonomous that they can land on asteroids, build their own rockets, explore solar systems, send a message to Earth, replicate, and send more rockets to other worlds. In 3 million years, we would have satellites at every star system in the Milky Way. This means that since the extinction of the dinosaurs, it would be possible to repeat it 20 times.

If even one advanced civilization in the Milky Way did it, we would have to see the rockets with our own eyes …


Re: Re: pulsar and survival

Pavel Gašperík,2021-04-13 16:36:23

The parallel co-existence of two similarly advanced civilizations with a similar degree of development is practically impossible on our galactic scale …


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