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OSCE condemns blocking of mission in Donbass

The OSCE reacted to the blocking of the work of observers in Horlivka and Donetsk

The organization welcomed the unblocking of the work of the observers in Horlivka and called for the same step with regard to the SMM in Donetsk.

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde, who is the current head of the OSCE, and the organization’s secretary general, Helga Maria Schmid, expressed deep concern over the blocking of the work of the Special Monitoring Mission in Donbass. About this on Wednesday, October 20, reported press service of the OSCE.

The organization called for the immediate removal of all obstacles so that observers can continue to fulfill their functions of resolving conflicts by monitoring and reporting on the security situation in eastern Ukraine.

“There can be no justification for any form of interference in the work of the Mission. The current restrictions affect the civilian population on both sides of the contact line. The general agreed conclusions of the Normandy summit, “Linde stressed.

In turn, Schmid welcomed unlocking the work of the SMM in Gorlovka and at the same time stated that situation in Donetsk “violates the Mission’s mandate, limits transparency and undermines confidence.”

We will remind, from October 17 in Gorlovka and Donetsk were blocked OSCE Mission Observers after the arrest by the military of a representative of the separatists, a citizen of Russia Andrei Kosyak. Illegal armed groups demanded his release.

The court sent under arrest the separatist Kosyak, detained in Donbass

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