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Óscar López takes over from Escrivá at the head of the Ministry of Digital Transformation

Oscar Lopez He will be the new Minister of Digital Transformation and the Civil Service, replacing José Luis Escrivá, who is leaving Sánchez’s Executive to return to the Bank of Spain as governor.

López He was the key man since he replaced Iván Redondo in 2021, who was also a decisive figure in Sánchez’s career, reports El País, which gives the name of Diego Rubio as the new Chief of Staff at La Moncloa, Ical says.

Oscar Lopez He was Secretary General of the PSOE in Castilla y León when he replaced Ángel Villalba from León in 2008, a position he resigned from when he was appointed Secretary of Organization in the executive led by Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba.

From that moment on he began his political career in Madrid, although he was also a candidate for the Presidency of the Junta of Castilla y León in May 2011at a time when the PSOE’s political cycle is declining in Spain.

Oscar Lopez accompanied Sánchez in his first stage, although they later clashed and he ended up apart until he recovered it in 2021, when Redondo left the Government.

Sánchez: “He will be a key and exemplary minister”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, in an institutional statement, in addition to confirming the appointment of Óscar López as the new minister, has also announced that for to replace Lopez has chosen Diego Rubiowho worked at Moncloa as Director of Foresight and Strategy and was now Secretary General of Public Policies and European Affairs, and whose worth he praised, as well as that of his predecessor, EFE reports.

The head of the Executive has underlined the capacity “policy”work and the “commitment to the country” of Lopez and has shown himself convinced that it will be “a key and exemplary minister who will know how to serve all Spaniards with efficiency, honesty and dedicationpromoting the digitalization of our country and modernizing its public function”.

Sanchez has said that he knows Oscar Lopez “for a long time”because of what he knows about his political and work capacity.

De López also highlighted that “has been a great promoter of the technological and audiovisual revolution”first from parliament and then from Moncloa, and that “He has a perfect knowledge of public administration at all levels” and also has “extensive experience collaborating with the private sector”.

And of his new Chief of StaffSánchez has stated that with his training and experience, Diego Rubio “He will now contribute his integrity, his technical rigor and his cross-cutting vision as director of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Government to continue preparing Spain for the future to come.”.

Sánchez has highlighted that he has “the best academic record in the country” and who, a graduate in history from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​has received the National Prize for Academic Excellence and has completed postgraduate studies at the Ecole Supérieure de France and a doctorate from the University of Oxford.

He was a lecturer at a British university, he continued, a member of the School of Politics, Economics and Global Affairs of the Instituto de Empresa and an advisor to international organisations such as the United Nations and the European Commission.

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