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Orlen lowers diesel prices by PLN 0.20

Despite the entry into force of EU sanctions on Russian diesel, Orlen has reduced the prices of this fuel at its stations. Daniel Obajtek, CEO of the concern, gave details.

On Sunday, February 5, the EU ban on imports of Russian petroleum products came into force. It’s about, among others about diesel fuel. Many experts warn that this decision may lead to a drastic drop in the supply of this type of fuel, which will result in significant price increases. Some of the analysts predict even the emergence of prices of PLN 10 per liter of diesel fuel.

The Hungarian Ministry of Energy and MOL have recently expressed similar views. The statement issued stated that the EU sanctions against Russian petroleum products will lead to a decrease in the supply of gasoline and diesel oil to Europe and will create problems in the sphere of energy security.

Orlen lowers prices

Meanwhile, the Polish oil concern PKN Orlen intends to lower diesel prices at its stations. The reduction is to amount to 20 groszy per liter. This is possible, as the president of Orlen Daniel Obajtek argues, thanks to the recent decisions of the company’s authorities, i.a. merger with Lotus.

– The construction of a multi-energy concern is definitely a strengthening of our economy. Thanks to the construction of a multi-energy concern, we were able to quickly diversify oil supplies to Poland. Today, we have 90 percent in Orlen’s system. oil from directions other than Russia. In 2015, almost 100 percent. oil in Orlen’s system came from the Russian direction – said the president of Orlen in a video posted on social media.

– Thanks to the strength of the concern, we are more resistant to sanctions and, despite the sanctions, we managed, we maintained prices at our stations, but through a much larger entity, we contracted larger amounts of diesel oil – therefore, not only did we maintain prices, but the situation allows us to reduce prices diesel oil by PLN 0.20 at our stations – added the president of PKN Orlen.

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