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Orléans Loiret Basket’s Perfect Evening with a CO’Met on Fire in Basketball Game.

The Orléanais simply made the perfect match to start their adventure at the Arena CO’Met. A big 98-78 victory and a delighted public.

Ce 1is April, day of integration into the Hall Of Hame of the NBA of Tony Parker, the first Frenchman in history, the OLB made its comeback in its new entry to the Arena CO’Met. 9,503 spectators attended, a record largely beaten for a Pro B match.

Some spectators are basketball players, others not at all and come to discover this new Orleans setting. Séverine, she is a loyal supporter and was curious to discover the room “it’s huge, it changes from the sports hall”, she says. “I come for the atmosphere and I’m not disappointed,” says Elodie.

The first quarter was balanced where the two teams did not let go. The rookie Vyacheslav Bobrov was particularly distinguished inside with 12 points. For his 200th match with OLB Malela Mutuale scored 15 points. Angers hurt in the racket with 11 rebounds, proof of Angevin superiority in this area in this first part of the game.

Then, too many spaces were given to Angers who quickly took advantage of it and made a difference of 10 points. The audience at the CO’Met Arena pushes and the OLB quickly picks up, thanks in particular to Tyran de Latibbaudière, a precious rebounder, taking his team with him. Germain Castano brings new blood, especially with Noah Bolanga author of 8 points in total. A good end to the second quarter allowed the Orleans to return to the locker room with a six-point lead (49-43 half-time).

Back from the locker room, Jarred Ogungbemi Jackson launched his show, 10 points in three minutes. Driven by a public really behind their team, the OLB largely took over their opponent. The pivot Dossou also scored very valuable points inside (8 points and 74-62).

duration of the video: 00h00mn14s

Exceptional atmosphere at the Arena CO’Met d’Orléans

©C.Verkest / France Televisions

In the last quarter, the Orléanais brilliantly finished the job in an Arena in fusion. Jackson still on fire, the OLB largely dominated and extinguished his opponent. A 98-78 victory, the ideal to launch his new adventure at CO’Met.

“It’s incredible, the perfect match. I’m so happy to see this room like that. It’s emotion, it’s sport, I’m so happy for all these people”exclaims Germain Castano after the meeting.

A match that can feed great desires for the rest of the season: “It must give us an appetite for the future, we must bounce back from everything that is happening tonight”. He also salutes the excellent first match of the Ukrainian rookie Bobrov. “He’s a very intelligent person, he’s going to help us a lot and has done us a lot of good inside.”

Malela Mutuale explains that he felt something very strong: “From the start we felt that something big was going to happen. They carried us. I hope that will allow us to start a good series. It may be an evening that we will live once in our lifetimes Everyone was ready, I had nothing to say“, says the captain.

A magnificent atmosphere that he seems to place very high in his career: “Very very high, it’s borderline if we felt vibrations in our legs with each action, with each basket. It was crazy, it was indescribable. We are waiting for all these people for the next home game”.

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