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Orlando Bloom: this crazy story around his biological father

Orlando Bloom turns 45 this Thursday, January 13. The opportunity to recall an unknown fact about the actor of “Pirates of the Caribbean”…

Actor Orlando Bloom celebrates his 45th birthday this Thursday, January 13! There’s a little-known fact about Katy Perry’s husband which is an integral part of its history. Born and raised in Kent, England, Orlando Bloom grew up believing he was the son of famous South African writer and fierce opponent of Apartheid, Harry Saul Bloom. It wasn’t until the age of 13 that Orlando discovered that Harry Saul Bloom was actually not his father. In the meantime, the latter died, taking the secret with him. It is therefore his mother, Sonia Constance Josephine, who reveals the truth to him when he is a teenager. She had rebuilt her life with Colin Stone, a friend of the family. In this improbable story, it is the latter who turns out to be… Orlando’s real father!

Although Harry Bloom is biologically not his father, Orlando feels a connection to the writer. An attachment that he wanted to sublimate by playing in the film “Zulu”, released in 2013 and set in South Africa. “My mother’s husband, Harry Bloom, who I found out was not my biological father when he was 13, fought apartheid alongside Mandela before fleeing his country to to settle in Great Britain”, tells the actor to Paris Match in 2013. “I didn’t really know him because he died when I was 4 years old. But he remained alive in my mind and I paid tribute to his memory by taking up his fight against racism”, testifies the british actor.

Orlando Bloom honored for his birthday

As he celebrates his 45th candle, Orlando Bloom has been honored by his wife and mother of his children, Katy Perry. On Instagram, the singer posted several photos of the actor in parallel: “45 years of happiness to the kindest, deepest, most sincere, sexiest and strongest man I know. Thank you for being a constant compass, an unshakable anchor and bring a joie de vivre to every room you enter. You are the love and the light of my life. I thank my lucky stars for you and our dear Dd”.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias.

Photo credits: Claudia Albuquerque / Bestimage

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