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Origin of Corona from the United States?

TheAlthough Kovid’s disease letter is almost under control, how this virus came about is still a mystery. It was thought to be self-generated and man-made. The Wuhan Institute of Virology in China was the first to get involved when the presence of the corona virus was discovered. The Washington Post reported at the time that the coronavirus may have accidentally escaped a Wuhan Institute laboratory during experiments involving pathogens to be used as biological weapons. American TV channels reported that the virus, collected from animals, was a mistake when trying to develop it as a biological weapon in the laboratory and that it was not recently developed in the laboratory itself.

But the new information that has now emerged is that the virus leaked from the American lab and not from China is Corona’s center of origin. The Lancet, a medical journal, has published a report involving the United States. In 2020, a study report published after two years of research by a Lancet-appointed commission points to this possibility. The study estimates that the SARS-Covid-2 variant may have caused the SARS-Covid-2 variant to spread around the world, due to an error in the experiments in the US laboratory or a natural spillover. The President of the Commission has prepared this report. Earlier this year, Jeffrey Sachs revealed that the coronavirus was created in US laboratories. He said it at a conference held in Spain. The Lancet also blames the global media, which had published it with great prominence when the opinion that the epicenter was China, had remained silent when the report involving the United States came out.

Whenever new viruses of the disease spread around the world, such doubts and suspicions arise. When the plague swept Europe in 1340, it was believed that the Mongols were behind it. The Mongol army that came to conquer the city of Kaffa was said to have thrown the corpses of those who had died of the plague into the population using launch systems. In the first half of the 20th century, biological weapons such as anthrax were used in Germany, Japan, America, Great Britain and Russia. When Thomas Eric Duncan, 45, died of Ebola in 2014, America suspected that ISIS was behind it. It was suspected that IS may have a plan to send their Ebola-infected Chavares to enemy countries by injecting them with the Ebola virus or by other means, and the Liberia patient may have been part of it. Professor Anthony Glees, director of Buckingham University’s Center for Security and Intelligence Studies, said IS fighters are not afraid of suicide and are aware of its potential.

During the Pontiac War in 1763 (the American people’s resistance to British rule), it is believed that the smallpox disease that infected American tribes and killed more than 400,000 people was a biological weapon used by the British. It is reported in some historical documents written in the Hittite language that the practice of sending tularemia fever (tularemia) transmitted by rabbits to enemy countries and spreading the disease there occurred during 1500-1200 BC Japan used biological weapons against China in the second world War. This biological warfare consisted of throwing clothes and bombs containing viruses that spread deadly diseases, including plague, among the Chinese and transporting sick mice. The fact that in 2004 then US President George Bush signed a defense plan that devoted a lot of money to testing against biological weapons attacks is proof of the extent to which countries command such an attack. In 1935, the British writer Nile Grant wrote a play entitled The Last War. In a war between the world’s most powerful nations, they use bacteria and viruses to use biological weapons against each other. These viruses spread not only to enemy countries but also throughout the earth and wipe out the human race completely from the earth. The plot of the play is that some animals come together and meet in a land without humans. Although it was written 87 years ago, this theme is still relevant today. Whether the crown is self-inflicted or the result of limited technological advance remains an unanswered question.

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