News coming to the set of God help us 7: Orietta Berti was in fact announced in the cast of the eagerly awaited new season. The singer and, currently, columnist of the VIP boyfriend 7 alongside Sonia Bruganelli, she was spotted on the set of the series: here’s what transpired.
The upcoming television season has several surprises in store for viewers, including the seventh season of God help us. The series, among the most loved programs by the public, is among the pillars of Rai Uno and revolves around the character of Sister Angelawho runs a boarding school together with her sisters. As is now known, the new season will also be the last for the protagonist, played by Elena Sofia Ricci which, as happened for Don Matteowill pass the baton to someone else.
But the real news is another. In fact, recently Tv Smiles and Songs joined the rest of the cast on set and, among the faces involved – including Francesca Chillemi And Pierpaolo Spollon – he also pecked Orietta Berti. For the local artist it was not a courtesy visit, but a work commitment. The well-known singer was in fact involved in God help us 7 for a small role. Here’s what it is.
God help us 7previews of the new season: Orietta Berti is also there
It is now known that Elena Sofia Ricci will wear Sister Angela’s veil for the last time in the seventh season of God help us. The interpreter will be present in only three of the twenty episodes planned and will take his place of leadership of the boarding school Azure (Francesca Chillemi). After discovering her religious vocation, she has spent the last period learning the tasks that, after the protagonist’s exit from the scene, will allow her to carry on her novitiate. But the real surprise of her is the New arrival who recently joined the cast of the new season, namely Orietta Berti. The cameras of Tv Smiles and Songs in fact, they reached the performers on the set. Curious, several details have been leaked about the role of the well-known artist of the Italian song in the series.

The columnist of VIP boyfriend 7 will be among the protagonists of the fourteenth episode and will play an unexpected version of… herself. According to what was reported by TV Smiles and Songswe learn that the singer will arrive in Assisi for a concert but, attacked by inexplicable anxiety attacks, she will decide to get help from Emiliano (Pierpaolo Spollon), psychiatrist of the Convent of Guardian Angels. For his part, however, the artist will ask for maximum discretion. Sudden calls from a mysterious woman will arouse Sara’s jealousy (Federico Pagliarolinew entry in the series), although by now they are simply friends. Finally, after a series of misunderstandings, the truth will emerge: Sara’s phantom rival is none other than Orietta Berti. She the latter will realize that her anxiety attacks depend on the lack of husband Oswald and that is why he will urge the girl not to give up on Emiliano.