Orientalist and political scientist Evgeny Satanovsky was fired from the Soloviev LIVE channel, where he worked as an expert, for insulting leading employees of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
He reported this in his Telegram-channel on Saturday, October 21, the head of this channel is a journalist and TV presenter Vladimir Soloviev.
“I would like to apologize to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Mr. Bogdanov and Mrs. Zakharova for the absolutely unfair in content and unacceptable in form statements made by our channel employee Evgeny Yanovich Satanovsky,” said the TV journalist.
He recalled that a few days ago Satanovsky, in a conversation with an Israeli journalist on his YouTube channel, insulted the entire Russian Foreign Ministry.
“As a result, I do not see the opportunity to continue professional communication with Evgeniy Yanovich and decided to dismiss Evgeniy Yanovich Satanovsky from our channel,” Soloviev concluded.
Previously EADaily reported that the host of the Soloviev Live channel, political scientist Evgeny Satanovsky, was rude to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mihail Bogdanov and the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova live on air due to their alleged “anti-Israel statements.”
#Soloviev #fired #Satanovsky #channel #apologized #Foreign #Ministry #EADaily
2023-10-21 10:17:00