Home » today » Entertainment » Orgel Joke spends Christmas in hospital due to blood disease | Backbiting

Orgel Joke spends Christmas in hospital due to blood disease | Backbiting

Joke Meijer, better known as Orgel Joke, has to spend Christmas in the hospital due to a blood disease. This leaves the 73-year-old from Vlaardingen on Tuesday Instagram know.

“Studies have shown that I have a very rare form of spontaneous hemophilia A,” writes Meijer. This means that your blood is no longer clotting or is not clotting properly.

“Fortunately, I’m now getting the right treatment for this and my body has to dissolve the blood from the internal bleeding.” The organist will receive pain relief and will need to remain in hospital for the foreseeable future.

Meijer announced on Sunday that she had been rushed to hospital the day before. So she has already announced that she will no longer be able to release new songs for the time being.

Orgel Joke became an internet hit at the onset of the corona crisis. On Instagram, where he has more than 40,000 followers, he has posted numerous videos of him playing songs on his keyboard. He says he did it to cheer people up in corona time.

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