Scheeßel/Neuhausen ob Eck (dpa) – After persistent criticism of male dominance at music festivals, the organizer of the events “Hurricane” in Scheeßel (Lower Saxony) and “Southside” in Neuhausen ob Eck (Baden-Württemberg) is now bringing more women onto the stages . The proportion of women this year is around 31 percent, said Jonas Rohde from the organizer FKP Scorpio. “In fact, all of our festival line-ups have become more diverse over the years,” he said. In the past, the proportion of bands with at least one female person was between 15 and 25 percent.
However, only male artists such as Materia or Peter Fox have been booked as headliners for the festivals that begin on Friday. The same applies to the “Deichband” festival in July in Cuxhaven. Spokesperson Lena Zielinski said the well-known international women are not affordable and others are not big enough to headline. “That must and may very well change,” she emphasized. This requires many measures from the entire music industry. “Every year we work to balance the gender ratio more and more and to make our program varied and colorful overall.”
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2023-06-11 07:46:29
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