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“Organize everyday life and ensure the safety of residents” – Objectif Gard

Christophe Rivenq. Photo Tony Duret / Objectif Gard
The former director general of services and chief of staff to the mayor of Alès, Christophe Rivenq. The latter being elected in the first round on the list of mayor Max Roustan (Photo Tony Duret / Objectif Gard)

On the list of the re-elected mayor in Alès, the former Director-General of services, Christophe Rivenq, will have to wait a little longer before officially taking office. However, he works on a voluntary basis to manage the epidemic and the resumption of activity in the territory.

Objectif Gard: Today you are elected without really being elected, the new municipal council could not be installed because of the confinement. How do you live this period?

Christophe Rivenq: That’s it … I am elected without being! But I am every day in town hall to assist in an unofficial and voluntary way in the management of the health crisis. A presence desired by the mayor, Max Roustan (Christophe Rivenq being doomed to become his first deputy and president of Alès Agglo, editor’s note). As a reminder, I resigned from my position as chief of staff and general manager of services on February 29 in order to devote myself to the municipal campaign. An election at the end of which we were elected, from the first round, with 56% of the votes.

A thousand agents on the ground

Did you understand the Government’s decision not to install the new municipal councils?

Quite frankly, no. The first round was validated when, five days before, voters were brought to the polling stations … My somewhat bastard situation does not, however, question my legitimacy. I’ve been on this territory for 30 years and have been managing all of its issues.

As in Nîmes, Alès experienced crises linked to the floods. The health crisis is nevertheless different … What is your state of mind?

We have chosen to be elected so there is no room for moods! The situation is unprecedented, it’s true. We have never had so little visibility on the means to be implemented. But for 15 years, after the 2002 floods, we have honed our organization to manage exceptional situations. Suddenly today, half of our 2,000 agents are mobilized, given that we manage several services (water and sanitation; management of household waste; street cleaning …) under public control. We are there to organize daily life and ensure the safety of our inhabitants (*).

Unlike other communities, you have chosen not to organize a municipal council. Why ?

Right now, we don’t need it. The mayor has seen his powers extended by the state of health emergency. It can decide, for example, to grant subsidies. He just needs to inform all of the city councilors. However, last Friday, we organized two meetings of the mayors of Alès Agglo. Of the 73 mayors, 55 came. It was a total of twenty per meeting with, of course, respect for barrier gestures.

What was the purpose of this meeting?

First, 73 mayors for a videoconference are too many. We also have some elected officials who do not have sufficient internet. We have made a point on the health situation: the territory of Algeria is one of the areas least affected by the virus for the moment. We also discussed various issues, such as the supply of masks.

Masks: 150,000 delivered from May 11

Precisely, where are you with your order for masks?

From May 11 and over a week, we will receive 150,000 to 1.70 € (excluding tax). Masks in washable fabric about thirty times. These were the commitments made on the quotes with the Bas-Rhin textile company, Mitwill. We could not take the gardening company Eminence, which was too expensive and especially with delivery times expected in June. It was useless… Besides, the state promised 35 million masks to communities for May 4. We can’t wait to find out what it is.

Regarding distribution, how are you going to proceed?

We’re working on it, it’s not easy. We have already identified 400 most fragile Alésiens who will be delivered first. Then, we worked on 10 distribution points grouping together polling stations. Against a letter sent by the town hall or a link by email with a flash code, a person could come and collect their mask. We plan to use the housing tax register. It is the best way to reach the inhabitants and to know the composition of the tax household.

What aid for businesses?

A word about the economic crisis, the other during the health crisis. What do the City of Alès and Agglo intend to put in place to help businesses?

We have already started by taking measures to exempt terrace rights or rents. Same for rents as part of our four hectares of relay workshops, buildings that we rent to businesses. We are also working on measures regarding parking. During the week, we will organize a press conference on a new virtual e-commerce platform to allow our companies to sell their products.

Several municipalities have implemented these cancellations of rents and / or fees on the occupation of terraces. However, some political opponents believe that this is insufficient, proposing, for example, a reduction in the CFE. What do you think ?

CFE is on corporate land. Most traders do not pay. Then, this tax is a state tax. We must be careful: the resources that we will not take will also be expenses that we will not commit to the recovery. Because unlike the state, communities cannot run a deficit. So we have to think about the next step, our recovery plan through investment. Incidentally, the cancellation of certain events generates expenses: purchase of equipment, fees paid in advance … We have to look at things on a case-by-case basis. Some companies are doing well, others are not. Not everyone has the same difficulties.

A survey to find out the number of children
back to school

The town halls like the other communities prepare the deconfinement. What are your actions with regard to crèches and schools that fall under your jurisdiction?

Unfortunately, we don’t yet know the rules. Prime Minister Édouard Philippe must tell us more tomorrow at the Assembly. We have a hundred schools in Alès Agglo, a few nurseries but also leisure centers. We have been working for 10 days with the services to list the size of the premises, their disinfection, the supply of products … We will launch a small survey to find out how many families will put their children in school or not. It is obvious that opening schools for 30% of the pupils is not the same as for 50%.

Finally regarding transport, how will the Agglo do it?

Again, it’s the same. With a child per bench to respect the barrier gestures, we are not able to double our transport. Everything will therefore depend on the number of students inside the buses. We will take responsibility for what we cannot and cannot do and we will say it. Today, the only way to avoid getting sick is through barrier measures: hand washing and social distancing. The mask is just a supplement. The role of local elected representatives is major to protect and reassure the population, but also to mobilize and supervise the recovery in this health crisis. Local communities are keeping the country going.

Interview by Coralie Mollaret

[email protected]

(*) The toll-free number for the town of Alès: 0800 540 540.

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