hope: one week fromorganizations, organizationsthey already talk about the newpolicy that should address thetrial city to favorthe Hispanic community, whichwas shockeddisproportionately by thepandemic.romy cabral tells us thatthey ask.romy: a group oforganizations led by theHispanic federation presentedthis tuesday a reportcalled “the big apple”,exposes the need forHispanic community seeking,be improved by the new tomonth reason that was chosen on the 2ndNovember, to which they havegreater Hispanic representation in>> it is one thing to have officerselected who have thatdocument and understand what is comingof organizations withoutprofit that isworking in the community.something else are people whorepresent communities and thathave lived or have theexperience of people whocommunities.>> we organize groups ofwork on organizations andthe health issues that impactwell-being and access toHealth services.romy: about 2,000,000 andhalf receive a higher,according to the federation.impacts on the pandemicare three times greater thanAnglo-Saxons. they demand$ 50,000,000 in 5 years forhelp organizations topeople of minorities, destine25,000,000 for costsstudent collegeundocumented, increase60,000,000 the fund fortargeted initiativesemigrants who would help400,000 people withprevention servicewages, you recover andWhat role does the Latino vote play?so that thedemands, and how to getgreater ana representations inthe politics?>> if we do not know when to give afterlocal elections, they will nottake into account ourneeds.>> to register to vote.romy: until October 31,the people registered havevote may exercise for