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Orbetello Book Prize, applications open. The third edition from 27 to 29 June

The opening of the works for the third edition of Orbetello Book Prize – Maremma Tuscany Coast, the literary prize created in partnership with the ZigZag agency, which is awarded to an Italian author or author of fiction already published abroad, and the Lifetime Achievement Tribute to reward a foreign author or author. The event will be held from 27 to 29 June, in the closed gardens of the historic center.

The objectives of this international award remain the same this year too and thus strengthen its value: promotion of reading, civil growth and social cohesion of one’s community remain the watchwords. Without neglecting tourism promotion: the cultural initiatives that animate Orbetello in the summer period, in fact, become a central pole of participation, attraction and involvement of the various social, economic and cultural components of the territory, with the important result of also encouraging the economy local and tourist presence in the area.

President confirmed for third year in office Paolo Di Paolo. The jury of the selection group is always composed of Teresa Ciabatti, Roberta Colombo, Eugenio Murraliwelcomes Sandra Petrignani and say thank you Annalena Benini for the commitment and work carried out together in the two years preceding her recent appointment as Director of the Turin International Book Fair for the three-year period 2024-2026. As every year, the Orbetello Forte Readers Group will accompany the award: Fausto Carotti (company manager) Silva Gentilini (Writer) Lorena Manini (library) Giorgio Razzoli (bookseller) Maurizio Vichi (teacher).

Another novelty is the growth of the “Friends of the Reading Park” Group. Last year there were 50 residents in Orbetello. From this edition they will double: there will be 100, divided as follows: 80 people residing in the province of Grosseto and 20 those residing in other Italian provinces who will ask to be part of the Jury. The chronological application criterion applies to be accepted until the available places are filled. To be part of it, simply fill in the membership form which can be downloaded from the OBP website.

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“Now, in just a few editions, Obp – declares Paolo Di Paolo – has achieved a prominent place in the panorama of literary prizes. The bet on those voices that in Italy manage to project themselves onto a horizon of foreign reception, including young voices that arouse the attention of international publishers, a bet – he adds – which is also renewed and encouraged by the fact that the popular jury will expand to represent the different perspectives, stories and reading approaches as much as possible. Naturally, the recognition of an international author, who will soon be made known, is confirmed as the central point. I add the entry of Sandra Petrignani, a writer with great experience and attention especially to the heritage of women’s writings and – concludes Di Paolo – particular attention to those mediators who work to promote reading through social media”.

Publishing houses will be able to join the third edition of the Orbetello Book Prize by sending their applications by 1 March 2024. The best six books will be announced approximately one month after the opening of the applications, while the three finalists will be presented at the Book Fair of Turin scheduled from 9 to 13 May 2024.

The previous editions have won: in 2022 for the Italian narrative section: The fig leaf. Stories of trees, women, men Of Antonio Pascale, Einaudi. In 2023 The life of those who remain Of Matteo B. Bianchi, Mondadori. Lifetime Achievement Tribute: David Leavitt in 2022, Fernando Aramburu in 2023.

#Orbetello #Book #Prize #applications #open #edition #June
– 2024-04-11 00:29:27

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