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Orbán’s party “Fidesz” wins the election in Hungary

Orbán’s Fidesz party wins elections in Hungary

After counting almost all the votes cast, Fidesz is in a convincing lead with 53% of the votes cast. In turn, the Democratic Coalition of Six Opposition Parties is in second place with 35%.

As Viktor Orbans said after his election, addressing his supporters, his party has won a huge victory. So huge that you can probably see it from the moon and definitely from Brussels. According to him, the key message is being sent to Europe: Christian democracy has won, and it is not the past, but the future.

“Friends. Remember that in this world, of course, we have not only opponents, but also friends who have done everything to win. We sincerely think of our American friends, Poles, Italians, Spaniards, Serbs, Slovaks and Austrians, who have helped us in recent months. We dedicate this victory to them too, because it is not just our victory. It is also their victory, because the whole world in Budapest today can see that the policy of Christian democracy, the policy of conservative civicism and the policy of patriotism have won. And we are sending a message to Europe that this is not the past. That is the future. And that will be our future, ”said Orbans.

What makes Orban special is the fact that in 2010, when Fidesz took office, the party won a partially united opposition, but this time it won even more consolidated opposition forces. In addition, it is almost 18 percentage points above the initial forecast of a few percent.

In his address, Orbāns emphasized that not only the local opposition, but also all international centers of power had conspired against Fidesz. And, not to mention his biggest enemy, Viktor Orban pointed out that investing in the Hungarian left has proved to be the worst investment by Soros’ uncle.

Defeat of the opposition

Meanwhile, the minimum plan of the opposition parties to eliminate the ruling party’s absolute majority in parliament has not been reached. Opposition prime minister Peter Mark Zay has not even won in his constituency.

Mark Zay expressed both shock and disappointment at the outcome of the election. He emphasized that everyone was counting on an unequal struggle, but that this outcome would not have been possible without the political system established by Fidesz, the changed electoral laws in recent years and the huge propaganda of the state media. That is why these elections are difficult to consider fair and free, as Fidesz has won a campaign of lies and hatred, as well as the actual silence of the opposition in the public media.

“I do not want to hide my disappointment and my sadness. We must acknowledge that propaganda won these elections. Fidesz is neither a fair nor a fair party. In this situation, we have to admit that, unfortunately, we are seeing that our country is not on the right track or the path we would have liked, ”said Mark Zay.

Mark Zay said the coming years would be very difficult, but the opposition would do its utmost to protect those against whom Fidesz could target its aggression, including sexual minorities.

At the same time, he said that despite the hopeless loss, it was reassuring to realize that at the last minute before the vote, they had made Viktor Orban nervous about the possible loss of power. The opposition candidate also mentioned the recent pain of the war in Ukraine, saying that the opposition must stand together and do everything possible to restore Hungary’s good name in the world.

Relations with Ukraine

In the run-up to the election, Viktor Orban was sharply criticized for not wanting to completely sever his ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin and for refusing to provide military assistance to Ukraine, effectively becoming an outcast in the Western community. Orban had said that everyone had conspired against him, and the last of them was the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

During the pre-election period, Latvian Radio addressed the population in Budapest, and many admitted that the Ukrainian factor, although taking over the campaign agenda in recent days, did not matter much, as people had already made their choice. In addition, Orban has stated that this is not a Hungarian war, that they will do nothing to avoid being drawn into it.

Furthermore, with regard to Hungarian-Ukrainian relations, it should be recalled that they have not been the friendliest for years. The present-day Transcarpathian region was once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and is still home to about 150,000 ethnic Hungarians. In recent years, Hungary has pointed out in particular that Kiev is hindering the cultural development of the Transcarpathian region by advocating compulsory education in the Ukrainian language.

Also in the victory speech on Sunday, Viktor Orban called on his compatriots to stay in Transcarpathia, because the homeland is with them.


In conclusion, the opposition and civic activists have also won a small victory, with the government’s proposed referendum on the rights of sexual minorities and the restriction of children’s sexual education in schools not gaining enough votes to be considered.

The vote was not widely advertised in the Hungarian official media, but opposition forces and various civil and human rights organizations called for the referendum not to be declared open.

The ruling party, Fidesz, has said it plans to change the law. However, it remains to be seen whether, after such a convincing victory and the ability to take decisions again in parliament alone, these promises will be kept.

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