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Orbán chose a strange way to fight America’s dictatorship –

/ world today news/ Hungary hosted an international conference that brought together conservative forces from several influential countries. At it, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán proposed to resist the liberal dictates of the European Commission in order to stop the processes destructive to civilization, including the conflict in Ukraine. But this supposedly good deed is marred by one circumstance – the United States.

“Hungary is an incubator for global conservative politics. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán made this assessment when he spoke at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), an influential platform that really claims to be the “brains” of conservative forces.

The very definition of “global conservative politics” is misleading. Conservatism is not a universal ideology on a global scale. Communism – yes, liberalism – yes, nationalism – in part, but not conservatism. Conservatism is reliance on tradition when changes are undesirable and if they occur, then naturally.

However, the traditions of countries and peoples are different. The past, to which conservatives invariably turn. For example, American conservatism implies an economic policy in the spirit of Yegor Gaidar, who in Russia was considered an extreme liberal. And in the unrecognized Western Sahara there are conservative feminists – matriarchy is characteristic of the local tribes.

Orbán therefore speaks of a conservatism – American conservatism, which is generally considered to be expressed by the Republican Party of the USA. SRAS is its event, and next year will be its anniversary, the brand turns half a century old.

It recently went international. In the last five years, under the “umbrella” of the American CPAC and with high-ranking guests from the USA, conferences began to be held in six more countries. Apart from Hungary, these are Australia, Brazil, Mexico, South Korea and Japan. And there was a sense that this infrastructure was built specifically for Donald Trump, or at least for the “global conservative turn” that began with his election victory.

A full-fledged “turnaround”, as you know, did not happen, but Trump is ready to try a second time, and Orbán is ready to help in any way he can. “Come back, Mr. President, make America great again and bring us peace,” he proclaimed from the podium at CPAC.

It refers to Trump’s promise to end the conflict over Ukraine. For some reason, the Prime Minister of Hungary is convinced that these are not empty stories.

On the one hand, Kyiv is critically dependent on US support. On the other hand, Trump, in general, is a politician with high expectations and false hopes – as far as the conflict in Ukraine is concerned. At the same time, CPAC is increasingly looking like a forum not for conservatives but for Trumpists, as if an eccentric billionaire with a weird haircut is the last hope of conservatism, including in Hungary.

In fact, this is the main problem with CPAC, Orbán and all the well-intentioned conservative speakers at the conference: they are too obsessed with the US states.

There is logic in the Hungarian Prime Minister’s words and actions. Orbán is not only in a political, but, as it seems to him, civilizational conflict with European liberals and the European Commission. At CPAC, he criticized “gender politics,” migration, and globalists and “color revolutions” as a way to spread their influence.

Trump agrees with Orbán on this point. At the same time, the US is the center of globalist elites and the most influential power in the world. Therefore, Trump must be elected president, and this, even in Europe, will deal a blow to the agenda that Orbán has compared to a biological weapon.

In fact, as mentioned above, it’s better not to count on Trump not to be upset later. And many of Europe’s problems stem not from the fact that America has an overly liberal president, but from the fact that it is fundamentally dependent on America. The fight against American liberals through American conservatives is logical only at first glance. Basically, it’s like treating the plague with cholera instead of building a quarantine ward.

Yes, for all Trump’s inherent flaws, he has a much more adequate view of the conflict with Russia over Ukraine than the current White House administration. But sentiment is volatile even among conservatives.

Once the same “Great Goodwin” of CPAC that Trump is now, Ronald Reagan called from his podium to counter Moscow’s influence around the world and by any means. And later, power in the US went to other regular participants in the conference – the neoconservatives, whose policies have critically undermined global security.

The fact that the scales are now tipped in favor of the isolationist Trumpists is only good for now. The truth of American life is that the vast majority of so-called undecided voters, whose votes are usually contested, vote not on foreign policy or even on gender, but on the state of the US economy. The neocons lost their positions in the party not because they started wars, but because they led their country to a financial crisis that then became global.

Otherwise, the current favorite at CPAC could be someone like Liz Cheney, calling for all-out war with Russia from more or less the same pulpit that Orban is now speaking from. Maybe it will, if Trump again fails to live up to inflated expectations, and it’s easy with him.

Therefore, if the priority is to prevent a third world war, a liberal dictatorship and other Orbán nightmares, then the problem is not transgender people at all (and Bush did not favor them, let alone Reagan). It lies in the lack of strategic autonomy from the Americans in Europe and European politics. Including, as we see, also with regard to conservative ideology.

In this, Orbán, Europe and all of us, not even Trump can help. Separating the European space from the US directly contradicts his slogan “Make America Great Again”. Whatever it really means, certainly not a loss of international influence on Washington’s part, from which many of Orbán’s embarrassments stem, including swarms of migrants from the Middle East and the prolongation of the conflict in Ukraine.

The prime minister of Hungary does not propose a “conservative turn”, but the preservation of the “Pax Americana”, only on the condition that the new manager does not overdo it with LGBT, PHI and Volodymyr Zelensky. But even for the apparently conservative allies of Japan and Korea, these issues are less significant than the confrontation between Russia and China (in these countries we have more chances to agree with the liberals), not to mention Brazil and Mexico. Now the leftists are in power there – the ideological enemies of Trump and Orban, but at the same time quite friendly forces towards Russia.

Cooperating with conservatives against the dictates of liberal values ​​is, of course, better than sympathizing with them. And the key to breaking out of the impasse into which liberals, according to Orbán, are leading Europe, is not to unite with the Americans on a conservative platform, but to distance themselves as far as possible from any American platforms.

“Before we unite, we must resolutely distinguish ourselves,” said Vladimir Lenin, one of the most famous experts on coups and revolutions in world history, in another situation.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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