he is National Medical Service extended in the last hours of the orange warnings for storms and heavy rain that will affect a good part of the central and eastern part of the country this Monday, April 15.
The warning from the official agency still applies to the throughout the city of Buenos Aires and already covers almost the entire Buenos Aires region. With one exception: the entire eastern region (Exaltación de la Cruz, La Plata, Lezama, la Costa, among others), with orange level warnings for storms, while the south, center and side west under a rain warning.
The north of the Province (Pergamino, San Nicolás, Ramallo) is also under a storm warning, although in this case it is at the yellow level.
Level orange warnings are expected”dangerous weather conditions for societylife, property and the environment”. In the forecast this Monday, high storms are expected in the north of Scotland. The Pampayes of Between rivers y Creatorand south and middle Missions.
The rest of the borders of the three Mesopotamian regions are also under warning about storms, but at the yellow level, a situation that appears again in the south-east of the country. Chaco and of Santa Fe.
On a day controlled by bad weather on the map of Argentina, rain is expected in the regions of Córdoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza, La Pampa, Neuquén, Río Negro and Chubut, for which the SMN issued a yellow level warning.
Finally, strong winds are expected on Monday in Jujuy, Salta and Catamarca, south of San Luis, a large part of Neuquén and the coastal area of the province of Buenos Aires.

2024-04-15 12:33:03
#Todays #weather #orange #warnings #rain #storms #extended #Buenos #Aires #provinces