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Orange, red and yellow zone: what can be done over the weekend – Chronicle

Rome, January 23, 2021 – To understand what can you do on the weekend, we must keep in mind the color of the region (here the new map) where we are and the related rules (his displacements and more) introduced in new anti Covid-19 dpcm valid from January 16 to March 5 2021. Yesterday the Higher Institute of Health announced through its weekly report the progress of the epidemic with the nuopvo iRt transmissibility index (here the new data for Italy and region by region).

Report Iss in Pdf

The new map of the regions

Red zone: Sicily and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano.
Orange zone: Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Piedmont, Puglia, Umbria, Valle d’Aosta, Emilia Romagna, Calabria, Veneto, Lombardy (seven days in red for a mistake) and Sardinia.
Yellow zone: Tuscany, Basilicata, Molise and Campania, Autonomous Province of Trento.

Boyfriends and parents: who can we visit / The Faq

Second homes outside the region / The Faq

Red Zone, rules and travel

Out of the ordinary travels: in the red zone it is not allowed to move even within one’s own municipality of residence. It can only be done for these reasons: work, urgency, health, visits to friends and relatives (see below the relevant point), travel to second homes (see below the relevant point), and sporting activity (see below relative point).

Travel outside the region: travel outside the region is prohibited until February 15, 2021. But it can be done for the following reasons: work, urgency, health, travel to second homes (see the relevant point below).

Visits to friends and relatives: in the red zone you can visit friends and relatives within your municipality, following these rules: once a day, at most in two people (children under 14 and disabled are not included in the calculation), from 05 to 22 (i.e. in the hours when there is no curfew). After the visit, you can go home by 10 pm because the return to your home, domicile, residence is always allowed.
Second box: if you are in the red zone you can move to a second home, even outside your region. But with these rules: only the family can move, not a group or a couple of friends. And the deed of ownership or the lease of the second home must be prior to January 14, 2021 (thus excluding short-term rentals).

Bars and restaurants: the catering activities – therefore bars, restaurants, pastry shops, ice cream parlors – are open only for takeaway and home delivery. Attention: after 6pm the bars can no longer offer a take away service.

Open shops: supermarkets, pharmacies, tobacconists, petrol stations, bookstores, newsagents, hairdressers, barbers, perfumeries, herbalists, toy shops, clothing and footwear shops for children, sporting goods shops, hardware stores, florists, opticians, stationeries, laundries, pet shops.

Walks, physical activity, sports: from 05 to 22 in the red zone it is allowed to carry out spotive activities only within one’s own municipality. With the following rules: alone, outdoors and close to home. Furthermore, the new dpcm states that it is possible: “in the performance of a sporting activity that involves a movement (for example, going for a run or cycling, ed), enter another municipality, provided that this movement remains functional only to the activity sport itself and the final destination coincides with the municipality of departure “.

Orange zone, rules and movements

Out of the ordinary travels: in the orange zone it is allowed to move within one’s own municipality, but it is not allowed to move outside it. You can leave your municipality for these reasons: work, urgency, health, visiting relatives and friends (see the relevant point below), second homes (see the relevant point below), sporting activity (see the relevant point below) ).

Travel outside the region: travel outside the region is prohibited until February 15, 2021. Except for the following reasons: work, urgency, health, travel to second homes (see the relevant point below).

Visits to friends and relatives: in the orange area you can only move within your municipality to visit friends and relatives. And with the following rules: once a day, from 05 to 22, a maximum of two people can move (minors under 14 and disabled people are not included in the calculation). After the visit, you can go home because the return to your home, home, residence is always allowed (but must take place before 10pm).

Second box: in the orange zone you can go to second homes. Even if they are outside their own region. But with these rules: only the family can move, not a group or a couple of friends. And the deed of ownership or the lease of the second home must be prior to January 14, 2021 (thus excluding short-term rentals).

Bars and restaurants: catering activities – bars, pastry shops, restaurants – are closed to the public, but home delivery and take-away services are permitted. Attention: after 6 pm the bars can no longer offer a take away service.

Open shops: supermarkets, pharmacies, parapharmacies, newsagents, bookstores, stationers, hairdressers, tobacconists, hardware stores, florists, perfumeries, herbalists, barbers, laundries.
Walks, physical activity, sports: from 05 to 22 in the orange area it is allowed to carry out spotive activities only within one’s own municipality. With the following rules: alone, outdoors and close to home. You can leave your municipality (but you must remain within the region) to do physical activity only if it is not possible to do it in your municipality (for example, if there are no tennis courts). Furthermore, according to the new dpcm, it is possible to enter another municipality, “as long as this movement remains functional only for the sporting activity itself and the final destination coincides with the municipality of departure”.

Yellow zone, rules and movements

Out of the ordinary travels: it is allowed to move freely between municipalities. Travel outside the region: movements outside the region are prohibited until February 15, 2021, except for reasons of work, urgency, health, second homes (see below the relevant point), visits to friends and relatives (see below the relevant point). Visits to friends and relatives: you can travel throughout the region to visit friends and relatives only once a day, for a maximum of two people (children under 14 and disabled people are not included in the calculation), from 05 to 22. Return home , domicile, home, residence is always allowed. Second box: it is possible to go to second homes even if they are outside the region of residence. But only the family unit can move (a group of friends is not allowed to go on a trip to a second home, so to speak). Bars and restaurants: the catering activities, bars, pastry shops, restaurants are open from 05 to 18. Takeaway is allowed until 22. Home delivery is also allowed.

Open shops: the shops are open. Among these also: supermarkets, pharmacies, tobacconists, petrol stations, bookstores, newsagents, hairdressers, barbers, perfumeries, herbalists, toy shops, clothing and footwear shops for children, sporting goods shops, hardware stores, florists, opticians, stationers , laundries, pet shops.

Walks, physical activity, sports: in the yellow zone it is possible to go to another municipality from 05 to 22 to do physical or sporting activities as long as you remain within the region.

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