Photo: From open sources
The Greek capital of Athens has been covered in an orange haze caused by a dust wave from the Sahara desert, affecting visibility and air quality in the city.
He writes about it BBC.
As noted, similar clouds of desert dust already exist covered Greece in late March and early April, they also covered parts of Switzerland and southern France.
With quality air worsened in many regions of the country, and the Acropolis in Athens was not visible due to dust on Wednesday morning. The cloud reached as far north as Thessaloniki.
Photo: Kathimerini
Local officials urged people with respiratory illnesses to limit their time outdoors, wear protective masks and avoid exercise until the dust clouds clear.
The atmosphere, especially in the south of Greece, became suffocating due to the combination of dust and high temperatures.
Photo: From open sources
According to Kathimerini, meteorologists forecast that during Wednesday, April 24, the dust cloud over Greece will gradually decrease as the wind will carry it further east.
Photo: From open sources
Photo: Kathimerini
We will remind, at the end of March, a part of Europe was engulfed by an extremely rare cloud of dust that rose from the Sahara desert the day before.
Photo: Kathimerini
Then the dust from the Sahara spread to most of Ukraine, it can be harmful for people with vulnerable immunity.
“It is a circulation of warm air from northern Africa, accompanied by a large amount of Saharan dust, which crosses the Mediterranean basin and reaches southern, central and eastern Europe. This is a phenomenon that repeats itself every spring and brings particles of Saharan dust over our country. If this dust also associated with precipitation, we will also have it deposited on various objects on the ground, cars, etc.” meteorologists added then.
It is worth adding that on April 23, “dirty” rains, which were formed due to sand from the Sahara, which was previously carried to the Balkan Peninsula, passed in Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions.
“On April 23, a cyclone in the Mediterranean brought dust and sand from the Sahara to the Balkan Peninsula. Torrential rains “washed away” most of it on the territory of Greece and Bulgaria.
Since high-altitude air currents have a westerly direction, the cyclone from Europe reached the territory of Ukraine“, forecasters explained.