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Clean the mucous membranes after each feeding

Oral health starts from the cradle. In fact, after each feeding, the baby’s mucous membranes and gums should be cleaned with gauze slightly moistened with water or saline solution.
This is remembered by Stefano Scavia, dentist at the Bicocca State University of Milan, who explains: “It is an effective way to get newborns used to the fact that, after feeding and in general after feeding, the cord must be cleaned oral It is a mental mechanism that accustoms us to maneuvers for maintaining good personal hygiene, similar to what we are taught when we get our hands dirty, when we return home or before. to touch food: you have to wash them.”
This routine must then be maintained during childhood and adolescence. “Not brushing your teeth has the first consequence of the onset of tooth decay, a problem that affects 22% of children up to four years old and … (Continue) read the 2nd page
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SPECIFIC NEWS ABOUT | newborns, teeth, hygiene,

From 11/11/2024 12:45:00

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