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“Or at first sight”. Participants must fulfill an important condition. Agnieszka revealed what the production imposes

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Agnieszka and Wojtek participated in the fourth edition “Wedding at first sight”, aired in spring 2020. During the decision before the experts, they agreed to stay in the marriage they are today. The couple willingly talks about their private life in social media – they run a YouTube channel, they are also very active on Instagram. Agnieszka, who will soon give birth to her first child, organized a Q&A and answered some burning questions from fans. In addition to those related to pregnancy and the well-being of the future mother, there was also an inquiry about the backstage of the program. More specifically – what does the issue of joint property look like?

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Magdalena Chorzewska answers questions about “A wedding at first sight”

“Wedding at first sight”. Agnieszka answers the question about intercussion

Getting married with a stranger, which takes place in “A Wedding at First Sight”, involves a lot of risk. It is not without reason that the creators refer to the program as an “experiment”. One of the internauts during the Q&A asked Agnieszka if, due to the fact that the wedding is being concluded with a stranger, the participants sign an intercourse. It turns out that property separation is not only an option, but even a requirement when participating in the program.

Of course. It is one of the conditions imposed by production – Wojtek’s wife replied.

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We asked Magdalena Pazura, a participant in the historic first edition of the program, to comment on this matter. Magda confirmed that this rule was in force in 2016 when she got married. She also admitted that it was a very good move from the production side.

Yes, it was, which is a big plus. Before I entered the wedding hall, in the presence of a notary public, I signed documents regarding the separation of property – Magda told the gossip.

This is probably the way the authors of “The Wedding at First Sight” want to protect themselves and the participants from potential problems. Unfortunately, it cannot be ruled out that a person with not necessarily pure intentions will apply to participate in the show.

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