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Optimizing Shallot Yields with Power V-Gro Organic Fertilizer

Trubus.id— Using Power V-Gro nutrition can help farmers increase shallot yields. Not only for shallot plants, Power V-Gro is an exclusive Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) package that can be used for all plants.

There are five product variants in Power V-Gro. Among them, Wonderfat, Flourisher, Verical, Gro-mate, and Amino-Age. The use of Power V-Gro is adjusted to the plant’s needs.

To increase shallot yields, farmers can use Gro-Mate Ls and Amino-Age. That’s what Tukimin did. Thanks to the use of Power V-Gro, Tukimin reaps optimal harvests.

Just look, Tukimin was able to harvest 4.2 tons of shallots on an area of ​​2,200 m² in July 2023. The harvest was higher than the previous planting season in 2022.

At that time, the shallot growers from Parangtritis Village, Kretek District, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region Province, only harvested 3.8 tons of shallots. This means that there was an increase in production of around 10% after reducing the application of chemical fertilizers.

Tukimin usually provides 100 kg of compound NPK fertilizer, 100 kg of manufactured NPK fertilizer, and 100 kg of potassium fertilizer for 2,200 m² of land in 2022. In the July 2023 planting season he reduces the fertilizer dose to 70 kg of compound NPK, 70 kg of manufactured NPK fertilizer, and 70 kg of potash fertilizer.

However, Tukimin uses additional nutrients in the form of Power V-Gro organic fertilizer such as Gro-Mate Ls and Amino-Age which are produced by PT Tunas Agro Persada. He dissolved 4 lids of Gro-Mate Ls in 16 liters of water or a sprayer.

Amino-Age dosage is also the same as Gro-Mate Ls. For 2,200 m2 of land, he uses 2 sprayer tanks each for one application. Tukimin provides these two nutrients since the plants are 2 days after planting and every 7 days. At the age of 30 days after planting he stopped giving Amino-Age.

“Gro-Mate is given until the age of 45 days,” said Tukimin.

Usually harvest when the plants are 55 days after planting. Harvesting onions in the July 2023 planting season is slower than other planting seasons, namely 64 days because the weather is cooler. The impact is that the growth of shallot bulbs is slower.

Not only has Tukimin’s shallot garden yield increased. Purnomo also experienced an increase in harvest yields, who planted shallots on 4,000 m² of land.

The shallot grower, who is also from Parangtritis Village, was able to increase yields by up to 10% after using Gro-Mate Ls and Amino-Age. Another advantage is that it saves production costs by 10% compared to the previous planting season.

According to the agronomist of PT Tunas Agro Persada for the Central Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta, Slamet Sutono, A.Md, Gro-Mate Ls plays a role in increasing soil fertility. One of the advantages of this product is that it contains 15% humic acid.

“Humic acid functions to improve the structure of hard and dense soil to become crumbly, loose and healthy,” said Slamet.

According to the lecturer in the Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Lancang Kuning University, Sri Utami Lestari, M.Sc., in her research entitled Growth Response and Production of Shallots Due to the Administration of Humic Acid and NPK 16:16:16, humic acid is an organic compound that undergoes humification and dissolves in alkali.

Humic acid has direct and indirect effects. Indirectly, namely improving soil fertility status both physically, chemically and biologically. As soil fertility status increases, plant nutrient uptake increases so that plant growth and production becomes more optimal.

Shallot plants look more fertile. (doc. Tukimin)

The direct effect of humic acid is to improve plant metabolism. For example, increasing the rate of plant photosynthesis due to increased leaf chlorophyll. To maximize the generative and vegetative phases of shallots, the elements nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are really needed.

Therefore, humic acid can be combined with NPK fertilizer. The hope is to get maximum results, especially in meeting the availability of the nutrients N, P, K that shallots need.

NPK is useful for increasing shoot growth, greening leaves, and increasing production yields. Slamet said that Gro-Mate Ls also plays a role in increasing the exchange rate of ions in the soil and reducing fertilizer erosion. Gro-Mate Ls also accelerates plant absorption and use of fertilizers, especially phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), and calcium (Ca).

The fertilizer also accelerates the growth of microorganisms in the roots and promotes healthy and strong root growth. This can increase the plant’s resistance to environmental disturbances. In general, this role can replace the function of manure.

“However, the combination of manure and Gro-Mate Ls is better,” said Slamet.

Humic acid also plays a role in increasing soil pH. How does Gro-Mate Ls work? Slamet explained that it is difficult for roots to absorb nutrients because they are tied to the soil. Nutrients are released from soil bonds so that roots can more easily absorb nutrients thanks to the application of Gro-Mate Ls.

This product also improves soil structure so that oxygen circulation is better, root growth is more optimal, and plants are healthier. Amino-Age contains amino acids and vitamins which function to stimulate and accelerate the growth of roots, stems and new shoots.

“It is very suitable for stimulating plant vegetative growth,” said Slamet.

It is appropriate that the combination of these two organic nutrients can increase shallot yields on Tukimin and Purnomo land.

2023-11-01 03:41:21
#Shallot #Harvest #Increases #Power #VGro #Trubus

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