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Opposition thinks the cabinet is not doing enough: ‘Calling young people is not enough’

The opposition in the House of Representatives has not been reassured by the press conference of Prime Minister Rutte and Minister De Jonge about corona. The parties believe that the cabinet is doing too little and that an appeal to young people alone is insufficient.

PVV leader Wilders says the cabinet is ill-prepared for a new spike of infections. “The source and contact research is still not in order, a maximum of 1600 IC beds is far too little and there are still insufficient test kits. But if the second corona wave comes, it is also because the cabinet is insufficiently contaminated by micro-drops (aerosols) That is not a good thing. “

PvdA leader Asscher also criticizes the approach. “The coronavirus continues to advance, while not everyone is tested, there is uncertainty about the ventilation and the elderly and schools are concerned. The GGD indicates that they barely keep up with the pace of infections. with a call. The cabinet must dam more ambitious. Otherwise, a disaster threatens the economy and health. “

‘Too one-sided’

SP leader Marijnissen agrees. “Of course everyone always has their own responsibility. But this liberal cabinet now puts everything under it,” she says. “It must now also act to prevent worse. A call to young people is far too one-sided. The GGD now fears having to let go of the source and contact research in places. Then we will lose sight of the virus (again)) . “

GroenLinks MP Ellemeet has also criticized. “Behavioral effects and the reduction of the number of infections are indeed related. Why not have a more convincing message about that?” She thinks it is important that there was “finally” another press conference.

SGP Member of Parliament Bishop also agrees that the cabinet should be heard in the middle of the holiday period. The Rutte and De Jonge press conference was the first since June 24. “That makes us realize that all the hard-earned gains of the past few months have evaporated. The medical, social and economic consequences of a new lockdown are incalculable. It is serious.”

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