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Opposition politicians linked Babiš’s speech to the election

“He admits his mistake in rejecting the proposed measure, which if it had been in force since September 1, we would not have to deal with this situation today,” he wrote to Prime Minister Jureček tonight. Adamová added on the same network that Babiš followed “people’s wishes on Facebook and incorrectly corrected expert advice “. Therefore, according to her, he should resign.

The head of the TOP 09 parliamentary club, Miroslav Kalousek, also lacked in his speech that Babiš, as prime minister, takes full political responsibility, as the Prime Minister stated in a similar speech in the spring.

“Since then, at critical moments, he has been giving his head on a log as a boy and without hesitation. The head of anyone other than his own, “he reminded today’s resignation of the Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch (for YES).

“A clueless and meaningless speech. His only goal was to somehow correct the bad impression of the chaos that the prime minister and the government had caused. The government was to work on what the prime minister described as a task for the future from May, and today it should have been ready a long time ago, “ODS chairman Petr Fiala said on Twitter in the evening.

In a nine-minute television speech, Babiš admitted that he had made a mistake in the summer when he was lulled by the spring victory and atmosphere in society and the government relaxed in measures against the spread of coronavirus. He called for people to respect the obligation to wear veils because of vulnerable seniors and the sick.

He reiterated that the cabinet does not want to close the economy, as happened in the spring, and jeopardize employment. We are trying to find a balance between health protection and the economy, Babiš said on Czech Television and called on the company to come closer.

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