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Opportunity Rover: NASA’s Longest Running Mars Mission Comes to an End in 2019

SPACE — On January 25, 2004, NASA’s Opportunity rover landed on Mars. She was the second of NASA’s twin Mars Exploration Rovers missions to land on the Red Planet. Its partner, the rover Spirit, arrived three weeks earlier.

Opportunity landed on Mars at 12:05 EST on January 25, 2004 and became the longest running Mars rover mission.

Originally, it was only intended to last for 90 days, but the rover circled the Red Planet for more than 50 times its estimated lifetime. Over the years, Opportunity has discovered meteorites on Mars, observed dust storms, and searched for clues to the presence of water in Mars’ past.

In 2019, NASA said goodbye to Opportunity. It has been quiet for months following the huge dust storm that hit all of Mars in 2018. Source: Space.com

2024-01-25 16:15:00
#History #Today #Opportunity #Rover #Lands #Mars #Space

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