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Opioid scandal: Purdue Pharma owners ready to pay out $ 4.28 billion

The company will be controlled by an independent board of directors

The company is accused of aggressive advertising of the drug, which led to the formation of dependence on the drug among citizens, and in some cases to death due to an overdose.

The owners of the pain reliever OxyContin, Purdue Pharma LP, are willing to pay an estimated $ 4.28 billion to settle claims accusing the firm of helping fuel the opioid epidemic. The Wall Street Journal.

The payment from the Sackler family is part of a restructuring plan filed Monday, March 15, in bankruptcy court in White Plains, New York. The plan is aimed at bringing the company out of bankruptcy.

Earlier, the owners of the company agreed to pay three billion dollars and another one and a half billion after they sell the international business. However, the plaintiffs more than once demanded that the owners increase the amount of compensation payments.

Purdue Pharma LP has received thousands of lawsuits from states and local governments alleging that aggressive marketing of OxyContin has led to addictions in scores of people, with overdose deaths reported.

Over the past 22 years, at least 450,000 people have died from both prescription and illicit opioid overdoses in the United States.

Under the new agreement, payments will be made in installments over the next 10 years. At the same time, it is planned that the funds will be directed to the fight against the opioid crisis in the United States.

It also became known that after the company exits bankruptcy, an independent board of directors will control it.

The restructuring plan from the company has yet to be approved by a judge.

It was previously reported that the oldest arms company went bankrupt USA. The arms manufacturer, founded 204 years ago, has a quarter of a billion dollars in debt.

We also wrote bankruptcy of the iconic American clothing brandwho dressed the elite of 202.

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