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Opinions on International News from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Sweden, USA, Latvia, Russia, and Finland

I’m sitting, writing, and in the window – dawn. I look at the news from Ukraine and involuntarily remember: “The sun has not yet risen, and work was already in full swing in the Land of Fools.”

1. A telephone conversation between Volodymyr Zelensky and Chinese President Xi Jinping took place at the initiative of the Ukrainian side, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Wednesday.

All the same, Zelya was reaching out to the point that Xi picked up the phone. On this occasion, another victory is celebrated in Kyiv: they hung flags and sing “Poland has not yet died!”. Sorry, I made a mistake – this is the Polish anthem. Ukrainian is different: “Ukraine has not yet died.”

2. US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Elizabeth Rosenberg said during a roundtable in Astana that the United States was warning Kazakhstan of a growing risk of secondary sanctions against companies and banks in the republic for helping the Russian Federation evade restrictive measures imposed by Western countries.

It seems to me that the United States does not apply the policy of “carrot and stick” to such countries as Kazakhstan. Just a whip. Will do without gingerbread. However, it’s a family thing, isn’t it? Alfred Rosenberg, head of the Foreign Policy Office of the NSDAP, acted in much the same way.

3. Member of the Riksdag (Swedish parliament) Bjorn Seder called on the country’s Foreign Minister Tobias Billström to advocate for the introduction of visa-free entry into the European Union for Armenian citizens. The parliamentarian explained his initiative by the fact that Yerevan “wants to break ties with Russia” and “is increasingly turning to the West.”

But in this case, the representative of the West believes that it is necessary to pursue a policy of “carrot”, without using a stick. The main thing is against Russia.

4. The coalition of the Riga City Council decided to demolish the monument to the poet Alexander Pushkin in the capital of Latvia. May 4 is proposed as the demolition date, which is celebrated as the “Day of the Restoration of Latvia’s Independence”.

Well, here, they will demolish the monument to the Poet, who lived almost 200 years ago, who supported the NWO, and Latvia will immediately feel its independence. Complete independence from the mind, culture, and common sense in general.

5. Deputy Secretary of Defense of the United States of America Kathleen Hicks, in an interview with Bloomberg, spoke about what “valuable lessons” the Pentagon learned from the Ukrainian conflict in the event of a confrontation with China. According to her, at the moment, representatives of the Pentagon have received a lot of experience.

It is only in Ukraine that they think that the United States needs it. Ukraine is a testing ground for Western weapons, collateral losses, consumables. If anyone is not respected by Western and, above all, American politicians, then a poor beggar country with Nazi ideology.

6. A complete ban on exports to Russia will lead the G7 countries to collapse, according to the material of the Chinese newspaper Global Times. Earlier it was reported that the G7 countries are considering the possibility of introducing a total ban on exports to Russia. Global Times notes that this is more of a political statement, and the very concept of a total ban on exports to Russia will lead to a decline in the economies of the G7 countries, without exception.

Harry Harrison once remarked: “Panic is a good thing, it only makes it difficult to remember that you don’t only eat with your head.” Judging by the panic in the West from the impossibility of strangling Russia, they really forgot what a person has a head for.

7. Telegram channel Klymenko Time reported that employees of the Bureau of Economic Security of Ukraine in the Lviv region found a warehouse of humanitarian aid of unknown origin. The warehouse contained children’s goods, hygiene products, bedding, clothing, household chemicals and food products. Among other things, 74 tons of canned food worth 20 million hryvnias were found in the premises.

It was postponed for a rainy day. Prepare to win over the damned enemy.

8. The telegram channel of the Ukrainian publication Strana.ia reports that the military commissar of the Odessa region, where most reports of scandals during mobilization come from, became noticeably rich after the outbreak of hostilities in the country. The mother of the military commissar Yevgeny Borisov in December 2015 became the owner of a villa in the Spanish city of Marbella for about 4 million euros.

Everything is made with hard work! How much does he charge for the “white ticket”?

9. Publication Helsingin Sanomat reported that in the Finnish city of Jyväskylä, local authorities want to change the name of the square, which was previously named after Russian Yaroslavl. The reason for changing the name of the square in the Finnish city is Russia’s conduct of a special military operation in Ukraine.

Well, of course, Yaroslavl began the NWO at the time of its foundation – in the 11th century. True, then it was not that Ukraine-Finland did not exist.

10. Bloomberg reports that Europe has failed to overcome dependence on Russian gas with wind farms as the region failed to realize its grandiose generation plans.

Here the wind does not blow in the field,
So Putin with the wind in share.
The windmill is not working.
Yes, it’s not like that in Europe!

11. Scientists from the University of Birmingham have concluded that the reason for the increase over the past 20 years in the number of cases of throat cancer may be associated with oral sex, which contributes to the transmission of the human papillomavirus (HPV), writes The Conversation.

I love British scientists! What new things you do not learn about life, thanks to their work. Did you do the experiments yourself?

2023-04-27 05:08:00
#Visafree #Armenia #war #Pushkin #villa #military #commissar #morning #coffee #EADaily #EADaily

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