temperaturebetween 75 and 78, no less.opinions arise divided intoregarding the approval of theproject “boron and accountnew”.it would be eliminated in a wayauto-automatic criminal record ofa person. ctor javiersolano tells how he couldbenefit many, butit could also be a threatfor public safety.and was 12 years in the system.factor: thousands of peoplereviewed before systemjustice in new york couldbenefit, if the legislaturestate approves, and thegovernor signs severalbills.one of the poetic wings iscalled “boron and new account”,allowed to cleanautomatically the recordcriminal, 3 years after thefelony commission and ayear for a misdemeanor.It was a dangerous measure andhasty, says this analyst.people who have pending acarjacking, they grab the wholethat is there and it gives the sameI try, but they don’t deserve it.They seek to give him a passfree…those who oppose, go tothe acts of fear.have no need forto be we have left out.íctor: íctor herreraregained his freedom in thepossession of weapons and drugs.It was difficult, I could notprogress.it was a job that could notkeep.a good day.victor: the asamblísta cruzdefends the proposal as achange of model in the systemnew york courthouse.arrested in 2017 for possessionof marijuana wereAfrican Americans, 38% wereLatino and 9% white.it must be clear thatthese people are already free.are people who commit thecrime, they come out of the arcel,protected his sentence.we are not saying that you have toset people free, no.when you finish paying yourconviction and probation, whenthey want to enter thecommunity to do good,get a job, thosepeople are the ones who can givethat real opportunity.factor: unions of thecops and workerscorrectional institutions warn thatthe legislation be approved,it was a threat to thepublic safety.in this moment of increaseof insecurity and cover witha veil of silence to people whohave that kind of track record, ishow to add a little more thangasoline.factor: while thenew york legislators sewent to recess, the partiesinvolved continue thetalks. meanwhile, theGovernor cuomo I still don’t knowfully compromises.giselle: a veryfull.