Home » today » World » Opinions divided by measure that prohibits businesses in Texas from requiring proof of vaccination to customers | Video | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

Opinions divided by measure that prohibits businesses in Texas from requiring proof of vaccination to customers | Video | Univision 45 Houston KXLN

fall semester starting onnext Monday, August 30, thestate of texas won’t payfor this program, sono-cost funds were soughtany for the user.and there is also a proposalof law that prohibitsbusinesses in texas apply for theCovid 19 vaccination turnto their clients, and despitethe worries, there are manybusinesses that claim to bedespite the limitations andpandemic risks.claudia: the measure prohibits thebusinesses require proofof vaccination in exchange foroffer services tonightwe speak with owners ofrestaurants and diners forknow your opinion of thesevaccination tests in betweenfrom an increase in cases due todelta variant.despite the adversities thathas this pandemic, theOscar Santaella’s business isthriving.the masks continuebeing mandatory for theiremployees and vaccine arecommendation.oscar: price promete aour employees ask youto be vaccinated and as a measure ofbusiness, it is mandatory to usethe mask when we are thejob.claudia: the same does not applyfor clients like but incities like new york soona proof ofvaccination to enter therestaurants.>> actually, I was finehappy that at least thetaste of the mask will returnto be mandatory to enterpublic places.claudia: other businesses withthat we talk isn´t eithercontemplating is living avaccination passport foroffer services.>> I don’t think it isviable for us right nowhimself, everyone is free andwe respect the decision of eachindividual.claudia: and it is that in texas aclause prohibits companiesrequire customers to provevaccination to enteror receive services, in acommuniqué the commission ofTexas alcoholic drinkstold univisón that they have hadcontact with about twodozens of linked businessesto problems with the proposal,but that in all casesbusinesses have cooperated.we asked diners thefeel before the vouchersvaccination.>> I feel that there are certaincircumstances where you can

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