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Opinion Piece on Cabinet Rotation and Political Mediocrity

FACTS posts opinions with a wide range of viewpoints to encourage constructive debate.

The “rotation” option actually nullifies all the strongly emphasized advantages of a regular cabinet over an official presidential one.

Especially with the current Cretan relations in the formation of elements disgusted with each other, which may not come back even once after the epic “Denkov” era.

We have highly demotivated ministers with a narrow horizon in front of us, working with the mindset that they will not be able to see any of their “policies” through. Nothing different from the worldview of their colleagues from Yanev and Donev’s offices.

But they will be highly motivated to do some mischief – out of stupidity or out of self-interest, as dictated by basic behavioral motives.

No matter what we say, our derege is a function of the blinding plural mediocrity of those practicing politics in our country, and the result cannot be different.

Luck cannot cover you here, as it happens in other areas…

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2024-02-24 19:30:07

#rotation #nullified #advantages #regular #government #caretaker #cabinet

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