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Ophthalmologist spoke about the dangers of coronavirus for vision

Coronavirus is known to have several symptoms. The worst thing he can do is to hit the lungs, make it difficult for a person to breathe. Also, the disease can cause a loss of taste, smell and viral conjunctivitis. Can the manifestation of coronavirus in the eyes cause loss of vision or does this aspect not suffer with COVID-19? This was told by an ophthalmologist, presenter of the program “On the most important thing” on the channel “Russia 1” Dmitry Dementyev.

Coronavirus is able to be transmitted through the eyes – this is a fact. For example, a man touched them with his hand, and earlier with his palm he touched the handrails in the subway, on which there was a live infection. Once in the conjunctiva, COVID-19 immediately begins its destructive effect, and through a small touch on the eye a person can become infected, Dmitry Dementyev said.

Conjunctivitis associated with the disease is one of the symptoms of COVID-19, but it can lead to further development of infection in the eye, go to the cornea. Concomitant diseases under adverse conditions can cause keratitis, blepharitis, and so on. The ophthalmologist also drew attention to the positive news – it is impossible to lose eyesight from a coronavirus.

Dementyev said that most cases of covoid conjunctivitis occur in the United States. Doctors call this phenomenon “luminous beauty from within.”

Earlier, the head of the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Pirogov Center, Professor Rinat Fayzrakhmanov said that it is recommended to refuse to wear contact lenses during a pandemic, since they increase the risk of coronavirus infection.

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