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Ophiuchus mystery: does this zodiac sign really exist or is it a fiction?

The zodiac circle is divided into 12 sectors of 30 degrees each. In this form, he came to us from the ancient astrologers, and almost everyone knows under what sign he was born. And then Ophiuchus appears and mixes the cards.

How did the 13th sign come about?


There is information that Ophiuchus appeared recently. It is a myth. At the beginning of the twentieth century, many astronomical concepts were revised, for example, “constellation”. Thus, there were 13 zodiac galaxies. From time to time, the topic of recognizing Ophiuchus as a full-fledged member of the Zodiac team comes up and is discussed in the society of esotericists and astrologers, and for the uninitiated it turns into a sensation.

Due to the fact that the zodiac obeys the solar year and is also divided into 12 parts, the 13th sign does not really fit into this concept. But let’s imagine that it was approved.

How does Ophiuchus affect us?


The period of his reign from November 29 to December 17. Thus, he strongly oppresses Sagittarius, whose time is from November 22 to December 20. Since this sign is located between Scorpio and Sagittarius, it combines the features of both.

Astrologers believe that Ophiuchus belongs to the element of Water, he has wisdom, courage and lust for power, does not like to retreat, he always goes only forward. In general, this is actually the twin brother of Sagittarius. This is partly why experts do not see the need to include it in the composition of the zodiacal constellations.

Is it recognized or not?


News of the appearance of Ophiuchus every time causes a commotion in society. People are beginning to imagine how to calculate their zodiacal affiliation now, because all 12 signs, according to logic, should shift. But don’t worry. The zodiacal circle in the form in which we know it has become too entrenched, so it is unlikely that in the near future it will be necessary to adapt to any new rules.

Author: Maria Zubareva

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