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Ophélie Meunier speaks on the Roubaix report for the first time


Ophelie Meunier, February 16, 2022.

TELEVISION – Threatened with death since the broadcast of a report on radical Islam in Roubaix (North), the presenter of M6 Ophélie Meunier spoke for the first time, this Wednesday, February 16. Winner of the “Q d’Or 2022 du magazine TV” awarded by Day-to-dayshe was a guest on TMC.

The report published in the magazine Restricted zone was rewarded in particular “for the right to freedom of information”, indicated the columnist Julien Bellver.

Coming to collect her reward in person, Ophélie Meunier, placed under police protection with her family, tried to reassure her morale. “I speak little on the subject publicly because it is a subject that affects my personal life and my family, explained the former columnist of the Small Diary to Yann Barthes. But it’s okay, I’m smiling today.” “It’s okay, it’s okay,” she said.

After receiving broad support from politicians and her fellow journalists, Ophélie Meunier once again supported the theme of the report, “a sensitive subject that is often taken over by the far right”. “Two months before the presidential election, this is a topic that is in the news and deserves to be raised,” she said.

Investigation opened for death threats

For Ophélie Meunier, “we must not be stuck between the far right, which completely appropriates the subject, and radical Islamists who completely prevent us from talking about it”. “We journalists, our job is to talk about subjects as factually as possible without ideology. And that’s what we did,” added the presenter of Restricted zone. “You shouldn’t censor, and I hope no one will. If it is not us in any case that other chains will also seize the subject, but in this way, factually and without ideology.

An investigation has been opened for death threats against Zone Interdit journalist Ophélie Meunier. The investigations were entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person at the end of January.

After the broadcast of the program, the DVD mayor of Roubaix Guillaume Delbar also received death threats and filed a complaint. The lawyer Amine Elbahi, who also also in the show would also have been the victim of death threats. Originally from Roubaix, the latter had alerted the northern prefecture in October 2020 to an association in the city, “Ambitions and initiatives for success” (AAIR), which he suspected of providing “Koranic lessons” under the guise of tutoring. , benefiting from public subsidies, in particular municipal ones. He has since been invested by Les Républicains for the next legislative elections.

See also on The HuffPost: At the Zemmour meeting, the “Daily” team exfiltrated

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