With 2,900 housing units, the Portes de France-Thionville OPH had to work with other offices in order to reach the level imposed by the Elan law with regard to social housing. Photo Week
Turning a constraint into an opportunity. This is how Pierre Cuny, president of the CAPFT, presented the merger project between the Public Housing Office (OPH) Portes de France-Thionville and Moselis, during the last community council. Explanations.
« To make HLM organizations more efficient in their management in order to build and renovate more social housing, the law provides for a grouping of HLM organizations. HLM organizations which manage less than 12,000 housing units or which manage a turnover of less than 40 million euros will have to regroup before January 1, 2021. This is one of the key measures of the Elan Law with regard to social housing actors. With its 2,900 housing units, or a housing stock estimated at 124 million euros, the Public Housing Office (OPH) Portes de France-Thionville was therefore obliged to react. So much for the constraint.
Various options on the table
The choice was made to merge with Moselis (OPH attached to the Moselle Department), to reach the required level in terms of number of dwellings. A carefully considered decision, as explained by Stéphanie Kis, in charge of social affairs, city policy, housing and employment, during the last council of the Portes de France-Thionville agglomeration community (CAPFT ). ” We had the obligation either to create a SAC (joint stock company of coordination, editor’s note), a SEM (mixed economy company, editor’s note) or even to merge with other operators. The first two options having finally proved to be inappropriate – even if the creation of a SEM has been discussed at length – discussions have therefore been initiated with other operators. With all the more ease that “the bride turns out to be attractive” given the good state of her heritage.
Why Moselis?
By default, first of all, because the idea of merging with a juggernaut has been ruled out, with large operators tending to disengage within five or six years to focus only on what ” report “. By opportunity, then … ” It was important to be able to continue to pursue a real policy on social housing. With Moselis, our investment plan for the Saint-Pierre and La Milliaire towers will go to the end. I also obtained that the first vice-president of Moselis systematically be a representative of the CAPFT and that we have two or three representatives on the board of directors. », Clarified Pierre Cuny, president of the CAPFT but also president of the OPH Thionville.
Another advantage in the eyes of the elected, the OPH which only managed social housing in Thionville will find itself at the head of 4,300 social housing because Portes de France-Thionvile will manage all the assets, Moselis and OPH Portes de France , in the northern Moselle territory. ” The Côte des Roses, for example, is an investment of 80 million euros. And who are the operators involved in the ANRU? (National Agency for Urban Renewal, editor’s note) ? The OPH and Moselis. The danger there was also to end up with two operators pulling the plug. But here, on the contrary, it makes it possible to have a global entity. Same thing on the Yutz side where there is OPH and Moselis accommodation. With this merger, Portes de France almost becomes the organizer of what happens in its territory. », Explained Pierre Cuny.
The integration of the employees of the OPH, who were previously consulted and accepted the project, has already started within the new team, the boards of directors having met to validate the principle of merger. This is now also the case for CAPFT.