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operators want to be reassuring

The French Telecommunications Federation has taken note of a preliminary report on ANSES 5G and wishes to be reassuring with regard to the potential health risks of 5G.

The National Health Security Agency has invited telecom operators to contribute to its analyzes to further study the risks associated with the airwaves. The FFT shows a white leg and says it is ready to help ANSES and believes that there is, according to reports from various health authorities, no proven risk of 5G on health.

For operators, no reason to worry about 5G

Fears persist about 5G. Two NGOs oppose it, in particular with a view to potential health and environmental risks. For the FFT, scientific studies at the moment do not indicate factors justifying this concern.

The ANSES preliminary report published on January 27, 2020 did not highlight any health risk for 5G, but also presents a lack of data which the authority wants to remedy. The French Telecommunications Federation and its members (Orange, SFR and Bouygues among others) thus announce to be “ available to respond to additional requests for information from ANSES and ANFR ”Regarding 5G.

In addition, the FFT also points out that ANSES was already concluding a 2013 report, stating that its study did not present “proven health effect”Related to radio frequencies. She also cites other reports from health authorities in other European countries who want to be reassuring and agree that there are no proven health risks related to 5G.

In addition, operators also explain that the modulation of signals used for 5G technology is not really recent. It is already used by systems like the wireless network, TNT or Digital Radio, and this, in close frequency bands (300 MHz- 3GHz, against 3.5GHz for 5G).

The subject remains under study for ANSES for a more complete and better documented overview by 2021. In the meantime, the FFT recalls that the deployment of 5G is subject to the same risks of regulatory exposure as the 4G or 3G before it. Moreover, each antenna will have to be subject to an authorization granted by the ANFR, as before.

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