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Operators plan lawsuit against Delhaize after poor supplies: “Sometimes store shelves remain empty”

Customers who have recently visited a Delhaize store may have noticed it themselves. Shop shelves are empty here and there. According to the interest group of independent store owners, Buurtsuper.be, the supermarket chain is struggling with supply problems that cannot be solved. The association therefore wants to take legal action.

“The past week was mainly about problems with fresh food,” says Luc Ardies of Buurtsuper.be. “Delhaize itself refers to the flooding in Wallonia, but the supply problems at the independent store owners have been going on for much longer. They started when a new distribution center was started.”

The new distribution center is fully automated. And according to Ardies, that is not working properly, which means that deliveries are not forthcoming. “And it’s much worse than trucks that don’t show up on time or don’t deliver. Our members also complain about not being able to order what they think they can sell.”

“So we receive a lot of complaints about this from our members. In September we will go to the management of Delhaize with our complaints file. We have already done this before, but have not been heard. We will initially ask for compensation, but people do not want it there. agree, we will start a procedure.”

Delhaize itself does not want to respond for the time being.

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