Home » today » Business » Operating loss of 31.8 billion Vespa quotEmployee salary increase by 12 million won quot

Operating loss of 31.8 billion Vespa quotEmployee salary increase by 12 million won quot

Vespa (CEO Kim Jin-soo), the developer of the mobile game’King’s Raid’, has decided to increase the annual salary of its employees.

Vespa announced on the 3rd that it would increase the annual salary of employees by 12 million won through an in-house notice. This annual salary increase is applied collectively regardless of position, position, and job, and also applies to prospective employees who have confirmed their employment. Vespa explained, “The collective salary increase for employees is a confidence in the success of our games that will be released sequentially starting this year, and is part of an aggressive investment for the future.”

Previously, Vespa raised the wages of all employees by 5 million won in a batch to motivate and share results in 2019. The company said, “In 2021, we decided to raise the salary in the sense that we will achieve the company’s growth and performance creation, and continue to share the achievements and values ​​created by all our members with our members.”

On the other hand, Vespa was designated as a management item at the time of internal settlement or delisted last month. Vespa recorded consolidated sales of 63.8 billion won, operating loss 31.8 billion won, and net loss of 44 billion won last year. Compared to the previous year, sales decreased by 38.9%, and operating loss and net loss increased.

Min-jae Paik, reporter of Hankyung.com Gametalk

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