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Opening the mission of ‘Belly Care Center’ for 15 years to cure ‘Obesity’, a silent danger that takes lives.

Prof. Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsap Obesity surgeon, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, revealed that Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society has established a “project to establish a comprehensive treatment and prevention center for obesity and metabolic disease” or “Belly Care Center” Since 2007 to accommodate the number of patients “Obesity” that tends to increase continuously By working together with a team of doctors and 9 related interdisciplinary fields, because “obesity” is a disease that must be treated. Because it will affect physical, mental and social health. Treating obesity will improve the quality of life of patients. Change in a better direction

throughout 15 years “Belly Care Center” Treat the sick “Obesity” Tens of thousands of cases, with most patients having been obese since childhood. and affecting daily life Can’t move easily, has difficulty breathing, gets tired easily This is because the patient will have a larger organ size. and has various anatomy and systems of the body that has changed Including having more than one comorbidity. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on a team of highly specialized medical professionals. Many fields work together in a multidisciplinary way.

Modern technology and treatments are used. To upgrade and develop care Give patients confidence and maximum safety. for good treatment results for patients Important in order to become a center of medical excellence and increasing the capacity to provide holistic care and services to obese and metabolic patients. that are ready to provide services at international standards both domestically and globally


Introduction: Diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood fat. sleep apnea


Obesity is a condition that is classified as a chronic disease. And it is a condition associated with various co-morbidities such as diabetes, coronary heart disease. High blood fat high blood pressure sleep apnea Lung dysfunction Ischemic stroke Osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, fatty liver disease It is also the cause of premature death. This should be noted from the body weight being greater than normal.

Or calculated with BMI (Body mass index) calculated from body weight. (in kilograms) divided by height (Units are meters) squared, for example, weight 80 kilograms, height 160 centimeters or 1.60 meters, calculate BMI = 80 / (1.60 x 1.60) equals 31.25 kg/sq m, etc.

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.


Belly care center Obesity Clinic Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society Organize a group discussion on the topic “A Journey to the Healthier Life.” You can do this to raise awareness of obesity, overweight. and treatment guidelines at meeting room 1216, Bhumisiri Mangkhalanusorn Building, 12th floor, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society.



Preventing obesity can be done from childhood.


“Overweight” and “obesity” refer to abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that poses a health risk. A body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 kg/sq m is considered overweight and more than 30 kg/sq m is considered obese. You should see a doctor for treatment. Obesity should be prevented from childhood. Because obesity in children will have consequences such as bowed legs, snoring, respiratory system, heart, development, and increases the risk of NCDs in adults. Importantly, it is also an important risk factor for many chronic diseases. Information from the World Health Organization (WHO) confirms that childhood obesity It is associated with obesity in adulthood. Including premature death and disability.

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.


Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya Bunchayanan, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society


Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya Bunchayanan, Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism. Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, said that treatment guidelines “Obesity” nowadays has many methods, such as changing lifestyle habits. Drug treatment Inserting a balloon into the stomach and treatment by surgery Each obese patient should receive treatment according to the severity of the disease.


Medical evolution stops “obesity”


It starts with changing lifestyle habits. If it doesn’t work, medicine is used as well. Currently, drugs for treating obesity have evolved in terms of efficacy and safety, such as GLP-1 analogues in injection pens. that can be used to reduce weight in obese patients However, some patients may need to consider weight loss surgery. There are 2 methods of surgery:

1. Gastric bypass surgery and 2. Bypass surgery The doctor will be the one to evaluate together with doctors in related fields. Patients and caregivers and taking into account obesity and various diseases of the patient as well The doctor will consider surgery. When obese patients have a BMI of 32.5 kg/sq m onwards and have co-morbidities that are complications. or patients with a BMI greater than 37.5 kg/sq m.


Treated with surgery Facilitates long-term weight control.


“From the treatment, it was found that many patients had tried to lose weight by various methods in the past, including behavior modification and exercise, but these may not have been enough to treat obesity. Therefore, patients who are eligible for surgical treatment You will be thoroughly prepared for surgery. It was found that patients were able to maintain a stable weight in the long term. In addition, it has been found that losing weight helps to improve the results of treating joint diseases. Reduce the rate of use of drugs to treat heart disease, lipids, and diabetes. It has been found that diabetes patients can be cured as high as 80% of all patients who undergo surgery. Especially in patients who have had diabetes for less than 10 years, there is a high cure rate of almost 100%. In addition, it also reduces symptoms of bone and joint disease. Including improving snoring and obstructive sleep apnea. Importantly, the results of losing weight also improve the mental health and social status of patients.” Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Patchaya

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.


Prof. Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsap Obesity Surgeon, Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society



Patients reveal their experiences Gastric bypass surgery


Mr. Samart Charoensuk, an obese patient, revealed that he received treatment at the Rak Phung Center. Chulalongkorn Hospital with gastric bypass surgery since 2011 with a body weight of 203 kilograms. At that time, she had both high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat low blood oxygen Have sleep apnea and have fallen asleep while driving The medical team has prepared the body and controlled the risk of various complications. Before undergoing surgery It takes approximately 6-7 months after gastric bypass surgery in the first year. His weight used to drop to 95 kilograms and is now 103 kilograms.

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.

Samart Charoensuk, an obese patient


Throughout treatment for more than 11 years, I was able to live a normal life. My physical and mental condition have greatly improved. Feeling not a burden on your wife Walking without being out of breath Can walk up the mountain As for congenital disease It’s progressively better. Currently, only symptoms of acid reflux remain. since treatment Will exercise regularly, including swimming, weight lifting, and control consumption. Makes every day like you have come back to a new, happy life again.

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.


Anantachai Kongchan, an obese patient


weight loss pills As a side effect, users experience mood swings.


Mr. Anantachai Kongchan said he received treatment at the Rak Phung Center. since there were no other diseases involved When living abroad Have you ever successfully lost weight through exercise and weight control? It took about 1 year from a weight of 120 kilograms down to 80 kilograms, but when returning to Thailand The weight began to increase. Therefore reduce by using weight loss drugs. The weight loss pills that are taken have the side effect of causing mood swings. Therefore, the medicine had to be stopped and the weight increased to 100 kilograms at that time (2011).

Later, a friend suggested that there was a way to sew the stomach. and received advice to come for treatment at Chulalongkorn Hospital At that time, his weight was 123 kilograms. Prof. Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsap Obesity surgeon Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society recommends bypass surgery. After about 1-2 months of treatment, weight decreased by 50 kilograms.

“In the beginning, there had to be some adjustment. This is because the stomach is severely restricted. There is some vomiting. Today, my weight has been stable at 75 – 77 kilograms since 2011, a total of 12 years. Every morning I have to weigh myself until it has become a daily routine. This allows you to control the amount of food and exercise appropriately. Most of them run and swim regularly. These days have made me disciplined in my life and have gained a strong body again.” he said

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.


Kornkamon Bunnag, an obese patient


From 119 kilograms down to 60 kilograms


Ms. Kornkamon Bunnag, a patient under the care of Prof. Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsap Obesity surgeon Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, said that in the past they had treated thyroid disease. and is about to undergo surgery for gallstones in the gallbladder The treating doctor advised that he had a congenital disease. Therefore, I want to treat obesity as well. At that time, his body weight was 119 kilograms and he had many chronic diseases. Both high blood pressure is higher than 200 mm.Hg. Cholesterol and a high triglyceride value of 300 mg/dL.

After curing obesity in 2019 with stomach surgery to make it smaller The weight began to gradually decrease. Currently, after 4 years, the weight is 59 – 60 kilograms, causing other chronic diseases. It gets better as well. Currently, I no longer need to take blood pressure medicine. The triglyceride value and cholesterol All returned to normal. My mental state has improved. But before that there was also a state of irritability.


Knowledge campaign “New life, you can do it”

Prof. Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsap Obesity surgeon Chulalongkorn Hospital The Thai Red Cross Society said that this year the Phung Rak Center Chulalongkorn Hospital Committed to being a part of the campaign to raise awareness for obese patients and those who are overweight. that such diseases can be prevented and treated We invited representatives of 9 patients who had been treated with surgery and returned to have a better quality of life under the concept of “New Life, You Can Do it” A Journey to The Healthier Life to come and film the New Year New Calendar. Life to inspire and create hope for other obesity patients. Come back to a bright life Free from disease again. This 2024 calendar will be distributed to various agencies, he said.

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.

This applies to users of gold card rights, social security, or government officials. You can exercise your right to treat obesity with laparoscopic surgery. (Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery) available. For more information, please contact the Rakpung Center at 02 256 4000 ext. 71205 every Tuesday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. (except public holidays).

Opening the mission of 'Belly Care Center' for 15 years to cure 'Obesity', a silent danger that takes lives.

2023-11-29 19:43:22

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