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Opening steps – “There are measures that are incomprehensible”: St. Gallen Health Director, contrary to the recommendation from Bern, advocates greater easing steps

Opening steps

“There are measures that are incomprehensible”: St. Gallen’s health director, contrary to the recommendation from Bern, advocates greater easing

Bruno Damann, Health Director of the Canton of St.Gallen, is sticking to his course. From March 22nd, he wants to relieve the cultural sector and the catering industry more than the Federal Council provides, as he recorded on Tuesday evening in the “SRF” format 10 to 10.

Health director Bruno Damann expresses himself in the “SRF” format 10 to 10 on the St.Gallen course in the easing debate.

Image: screenshot

“We are aware that the situation is critical,” says St.Gallen Health Director Bruno Damann in an interview with “SRF”. In the renowned TV format 10 to 10 on Tuesday evening, the gradual easing planned by the Federal Council will be discussed. The canton of St.Gallen is – so it said in the program – one of those six cantons that do not agree with the easing pace from federal Bern.

The St.Gallen government is of the opinion that it would make sense to loosen up in certain areas, says Damann. He adds:

“The measures are no longer consistently adhered to due to corona fatigue.”

That is why they want to go one step further than the Federal Council. There are also certain measures that are not understandable for the population, but also for the St.Gallen government.

For example, one would also have to consider the size of an establishment when it comes to setting the maximum number of people for certain events. The BAG warns, however, that contact tracing is no longer guaranteed for events that exceed the currently set upper limit of 50 people. Meanwhile, the health director emphasizes that contact tracing is currently working perfectly in the canton of St.Gallen.

“In a consultation process, we as the cantonal government can express what we consider right,” said Damann. It is up to the Federal Council to decide. The St. Gallen government will of course support the decision.

Damann’s opinion on the maximum number of persons is also shared by representatives from the cultural sector. In the SRF report, for example, the question arises as to why aircraft with 200 people on board, i.e. at full capacity, are allowed to fly, while culture halls with far greater capacities have to stick to a limit of 50 people.

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