Home » today » News » Opening parties De Radstake and Lido cancelled; majority of visitors do not have corona test results in time | Old IJssel region

Opening parties De Radstake and Lido cancelled; majority of visitors do not have corona test results in time | Old IJssel region

HEELWEG/ GROENLO – Saturday night should have been the ultimate blast after a year without discotheques and clubs. But at the very last minute it was decided not to let the Kom d’r in Party at Dancing De Radstake in Heelweg take place. Friday and Saturday there have been too many problems with testing for access and the CoronaCheck app. City Lido in Groenlo will also remain closed.

The last two days there were long queues for the test street at, among other things, stadium De Vijverberg in Doetinchem. Many young people were determined to be tested for the coronavirus, and then finally be able to dance again at the weekend with a negative result. The first major event of De Radstake in ages was circled in red.

However, on Friday there was a malfunction in the platform’s IT system Test for Access, which includes the test street at De Vijverberg. It caused even longer lines later in the day and on Saturday. In addition, several people would not have received their test results.


This is a drama for my guests who went to all that trouble to come here and get tested

Robert Venderbosch, Owner De Radstake

Visitors are left with question marks

The Radstake also reports that the majority of visitors to the Kom d’r in Party have not yet received the test results or are unable to convert them into a QR code. There are also doubts as to whether the CoronaCheck app works properly. After consultation with the police and the municipality of Oude IJsselstreek, it has therefore been decided to cancel the event.

“This is really a drama”, says owner Robert Venderbosch. “Especially for my guests who have gone to all the trouble to come here and have themselves tested. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control.”

On Saturday morning, Venderbosch already had an unpleasant feeling. He couldn’t get hold of anyone from the Open Netherlands Foundation in any way. This foundation is the initiator of the Testing for Access platform. “Meanwhile, I heard that more and more people didn’t get their test data or couldn’t convert that data into a QR code, which is needed to get in. At some point it becomes the responsibility of the mayor. He concluded that safety could not be sufficiently guaranteed.”

Mayor Otwin van Dijk speaks of ‘not a nice, but a sensible decision’.

Next week

People who had a ticket can get their money back (including booking costs) or keep it for the next event. It is scheduled for next week. “Of course we want that to continue,” says Venderbosch. “But then I want to be 100 percent sure in advance. This really shouldn’t happen a second time.”

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