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Opening of the United States-Africa summit in the presence of fifty heads of state

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The United States-Africa summit opens on Tuesday 13 December in Washington, the leaders of 49 African countries and the African Union were invited for three days in the American capital, to discuss security, the economy, health or even climate change. The United States wants to reaffirm their interest in the African continent, after the presidency of Donald Trump.

The The President of the United States engages in a recovery exercisesays a West African source. If each country has its own expectations, indicates this same source, the entire continent is delighted with Washington’s return. During his tenure, Joe Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump had never hidden his disinterest in Africa : is the second vertex after the one organized by Barack Obama in 2014, reports our special envoy in Washington, Magali Lagrange.

The topics of discussion during these three days are many: the fight against terrorism, against climate change, food safety, the economy or even Agoa, it takes its name from the agreement that aims to facilitate African exports to the United Statesextended until 2025.

On the American side, there is a desire to get closer to Africa, at a time when other partners have become more important on the continent, such as China or Russia. The United States also wants to highlight the importance of African voices on the international stage.

A dialogue” to open ” And ” even with those with whom there are differences »

After inviting 49 countries plus the AU, the US wants a summit” to open », « even with those with whom there are differences “, insists the Assistant Secretary of State responsible for Africa Molly Phee, adding that “ reflects the President’s and Secretary of State’s commitment to respectful discussions ».

A business forum will also take place on Thursday before the culmination of the White House reception. For the American administration, it is above all a matter of getting closer to the continent. The change of tone is meant to be total: dialogue, priorities and shared interests are the elements of language that recur, according to our correspondent from Washington, Guillaume Naudin.

Washington announces 55 billion dollars over three years for Africa

Earlier, US President Jake Sullivan’s National Security Advisor announced that the United Statesit will dedicate 55 billion dollars to Africa over three years The funds would be specifically dedicated to health and climate change response, but without providing details of their origin or distribution.

He assured that this funding, and more generally the American commitment, will not be linked to the attitude of African countries towards the war in Ukraine, at a time when many of them refuse to condemn Russia outright.

Within the African Union (AU), a source welcomes Washington’s readiness on these issues… but specifies that the continent’s strategy consists in diversifying its international partners, be they the United States, the China or the European Union. He points out that partnerships are mainly measured with the implementation of projects, beyond the effects of tenders.

Read also: Christopher Fomunyoh: “The African commitment of the United States is real and is projected for the long term”

Absent Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Sudan

But several countries of the continent will not be represented at this meeting, Magali Lagrange.

Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Sudan have not received invitation cards for the Washington summit. These four countries, which have suffered coups, are subject to African Union sanctions and the US says it has taken the AU line. Chad, on the other hand, is invited as it is not subject to sanctions by the continental organization.

Two other AU members are not invited, the US says. Eritrea – with which Washington specifies that it does not have full diplomatic relations – and the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic. Under the presidency of Donald Trump, the United States has recognized the Moroccan » of Western Saharaa position later confirmed by Joe Biden.

All the other 49 countries of the continent are invited to Washington, plus the African Union. With 50 Invitations Sent, US Wants Summit” to open And to snub criticism of some invitations, Assistant Secretary of State for Africa Molly Phee says, ” it reflects the President’s and Secretary of State’s commitment to respectful discussions, even with those with whom there are differences ».

Cameroon President Paul Biya in Washington after years of strained relations

Among those who responded, the president of Cameroon Paul Biya arrived on Saturday 10 December. See you soon 90 years, now rarely attends events of this type and has not traveled to the United States since a United Nations General Assembly in 2017. His presence underlines a certain willingness to reconcile with Washington after several years of sensitive relations in a context of crisis of the English-speaking regions.

In the course of the conflict, which began in late 2016, Washington has escalated as allegations of human rights violations have been leveled against the Cameroonian defense and security forces.

In February 2019, the US administration therefore ended several military assistance and training programs and blocked the delivery of equipment. Then, in November of that year, President Donald Trump expelled Cameroon from Agoa. If the conflict continues on the ground, the Cameroonian delegation will nonetheless ask for the country’s return to agreement during this summit focused on trade and investment.

The ten-member Cameroonian delegation will also seek more support in the fight against the financing of separatist armed groups. Cameroon noted progress in this regard with the indictment two weeks ago by American courts of three Americans of Cameroonian origin who had collected $350,000 online: the money would be used to acquire weapons, explosives, but also to prepare kidnappings in North – Western and Southwestern regions.

The Cameroonian press has raised the possibility of a head-to-head match between Paul Biya and Joe Biden. However, the organizers assure that the American president is not planning any digressions with the summit participants.

Read also: China in Africa, a “friend” who loves you?

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