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Opening of the Rafael Coronel Experimental Room and of Indian Art, at the Rafael Coronel Museum

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Opening of the Rafael Coronel Experimental Room and of Indian Art, at the Rafael Coronel Museum

  • En the framework of the thirty-second anniversary of the Museum that bears the name of one of the most prolific and representative plastic artists that Mexico has given
  • The rooms offer a journey through the artistic work and passion for collecting of the Zacatecan artist
  • The curatorship of both was in charge of Juan Rafael Coronel Rivera, Miguel Angel Diaz Castorena and Mateo Rivera Rodriguez

Zacatecas, Zac., July 08, 2022.- In order to value not only the artistic life, but also the great passion for collecting of the Zacatecan painter Rafael Coronel, the opening of the Rafael Coronel Experimental Room and the Art Room of India was held, within the framework of the thirty-second anniversary of the Museum that bears the name of the Zacatecan artist.

María de Jesús Muñoz Reyes, director of the Zacatecan Institute of Culture (IZC) “Ramón López Velarde”, on behalf of Governor David Monreal Ávila, pointed out that the opening of these rooms contributes to complementing the vision of the Zacatecan artist and collector, bringing the public closer to the origin and imaginary of Rafael Coronel, an experience for those who appreciate and are interested in investigating pictorial thought.

This room includes important pieces, unmissable and representative evidence of his interest in painting, whose script includes “El Tastoán and the girl from Jerez”, a fundamental piece of the pictorial imaginary of Zacatecas, as well as the documents on the foundation of Zacatecas, the Title of Very Noble and Loyal City, the Coat of Arms and the original Banner.

The Art Gallery of India – added the head of culture – makes available to the public the invaluable diversity provided by the collecting life of this artist from Zacatecas, who was a tireless researcher of other cultures, their representations and meanings.

Muñoz Reyes said that the privilege of sharing Rafael Coronel with the world could not be postponed for the dependency he was in charge of and that, from this moment on, these rooms confirm the efforts of the past and present, for which a space was necessary to be in your own home.

At the time, Juan Rafael Coronel Rivera, son of Rafael Coronel, thanked the authorities of the Zacatecan Institute of Culture, as well as those of the museum itself for making possible the realization of this experimental room that bears his father’s name.

He indicated that the idea of ​​putting this name derives from the intention that it be a living room, which will have changes inside, in which curators from Zacatecas, as well as from other states, can intervene, giving it a reading of the materials and rooms that make up the museum, and in this way they can recreate a vision around the study of Rafael Coronel.

Previously, Miguel Ángel Díaz Castorena, director of the Rafael Coronel Museum, said that the opening of these rooms is a reflection of the work of many people and government agencies, which has made it possible to initiate new projects for this museum and, therefore, for the culture of Zacatecas and Mexico.

The presence at this event of the deputy María del Mar de Ávila Ibargüengoitia and the rector of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Rubén Ibarra Reyes, who accompanied the initial tour of the rooms, as well as part of Zacatecan society and the artistic community from Zacatecas.

Rafael Coronel was a lover of traditional dances from all over the national territory, so for this occasion he highlighted the participation of the group of matlachines from the community of El Visitador, whose pieces framed this afternoon-night party for the people of Zacatecas.


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