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Opening of Education Centers for Guide Dogs in France: Enhancing Independence and Safety for the Visually Impaired

They are essential pets for blind or visually impaired people. As you will have understood, these are dogs specially trained to guide them on a daily basis. The 15 education centers opened their doors on Sunday September 24 in France. We went to the center of Eure.

15 education centers across France opened their doors on Sunday September 24 to raise awareness among the general public about visual disabilities and the work of guide dogs.

This 2023 edition highlights the chain of solidarity allowing the free delivery of these precious life companions, knowing that the education of a guide dog lasts 2 years and costs nearly 25,000 euros

Taïga has just started training to become a guide dog for the blind. After spending a year in a foster family to learn obedience, it is now Célia who will complete her education.

On the program in particular, respond to management orders, but also report any dangerous obstacles to your master.

duration of video: 00h01mn51s

VIDEO. In Eure, a festival for guide dogs

©France televisions

Education in this specialized center in Eure, in Honguemare-Guénouville, will last nearly 10 months. Like Taiga, all guide dogs are working dogs. But pleasure remains central to learning.

“We really want the dog to enjoy guiding its master and for there to be a symbiotic relationship,” explains Antoine Magniez, guide dog trainer.

Once their training is completed, the guide dogs are returned free of charge to the beneficiaries. 6 years ago, Lipton entered Nicolas’ life. A small revolution for this man whose eyesight is gradually failing.

“Being able to take care of a dog brings a lot of things into one’s life and a lot of fluidity in terms of travel, because my eyesight is declining over the years,” explains Nicolas.

I feel safer with the dog since he’s been here.

Just like Lipton, 10 guide dogs for the blind are trained each year in this center. Among them, mainly labradors, golden retrievers, and even labradoodles.

After 8 to 10 years as a guide, the dogs will also have the right to retire. In 95% of cases, beneficiaries decide to adopt their life guide.

A recent survey carried out by the French Federation of Associations of Guide Dogs for the Blind (FFAC) measured the considerable benefits brought by guide dogs to visually impaired people: greatly facilitated travel (according to 93% of the guide dog handlers consulted ), an increased feeling of security (for 88%) and more generallya guarantee greater autonomy (pour 91 %).

Its presence is also decisive on an emotional and psychological level: 96% of respondents confirm that their guide dog allows them to have a more harmonious social life and offers them essential moral support on a daily basis.

2023-09-24 19:59:53
#VIDEO #Eure #festival #guide #dogs

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