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OpenAI Plans to Raise $100 Billion in New Financing Round – Bloomberg Insider Reports

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, wants to raise $100 billion or more with a new financing round, insiders told Bloomberg. Such a deal would make the American company one of the world’s most valuable startups ever.

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For the time being, these are preliminary discussions about a new financing round, in which potential investors are already involved. Details such as the terms, valuation and timing of the deal still have to be worked out.

If the plan to raise the additional funding is successful, OpenAI will be the second most valuable startup in the US. Only Elon Musk’s commercial space company SpaceX is worth more as a non-listed company, according to researchers.

Elon Musk

Earlier this month it was announced that Musk is also working on a financing round for his xAI, the start-up that will rival OpenAI. At the beginning of November, the American multi-billionaire presented his own AI product, called Grok. That creation has access to information from X, of which Musk has a majority stake.


OpenAI’s skyrocketing valuation reflects the AI ​​craze the company unleashed a year ago after releasing ChatGPT. The company uses artificial intelligence to, among other things, write logical texts and even poetry in response to simple questions. In a short time, the system caused a stir by creating texts that are difficult to distinguish from human work. That makes the service popular but also controversial. Microsoft has already invested about $13 billion in the company.

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2023-12-23 08:51:12
#Company #ChatGPT #billion #financing

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