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OpenAI Meets With Korean Startups to Discuss Collaboration Plans and Setting up a Korean Office

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Participants took a commemorative photo at the meeting between Open AI and domestic startups held at 63 Square in Yeouido, Seoul on the 9th. [사진=중소벤처기업부]


The Ministry of SMEs and Startups invited CEO Sam Altman and key executives of OpenAI, which is attracting worldwide attention with the launch of ChatGPT, a generative artificial intelligence (AI) service, to Seoul on the 9th. A meeting was held with domestic startups at the Grand Ballroom on the 2nd floor of 63 Square in Yeouido.

The meeting lasted about 80 minutes, starting with an AI-related talk, followed by a startup Q&A and questions from reporters.

On the OpenAI side, Sam Altman and executives attended, and among the 334 startups that applied for participation, about 100 startups selected through review of collaboration plans and lottery participated in the event.

First, in the conversation session, Minister of SMEs and Startups Young Lee and CEO Sam Altman had a conversation about the purpose of OpenAI’s visit to Korea, ways to collaborate with domestic startups, intentions to set up a Korean office, and advice for younger founders.

During the start-up question session that followed, Sam Altman was asked about AI-related technical content, such as OpenAI’s services, corporate and personal information protection policies, and copyright-related policies for products using ChatGPT, as well as the company’s future business direction.

Minister Lee said, “Today’s meeting was a meaningful place to directly confirm our curiosity about AI and open AI from CEO Sam Altman and to seek cooperation.” We will continue to exchange and cooperate with OpenAI to make it possible.”

2023-06-09 07:15:00
#Ministry #SMEs #Startups #promotes #exchanges #cooperation #Open #domestic #startups

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